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Question, how do I transfer my saves from .06 to .06.5?

on what device


you'll need to navigate in to the game app folder, you should def google it if you're unfamiliar with it


Now I get it, depending on where you live your either going to be one, two, or in my case three hours ahead if the release is going by pst, cause America works on four different time zones

It's 11:15 CST where I'm at, when is the update gonna release?

it's up. I usually post things at 10AM PST. That's the timezone I live in

Well I live here in salisbury north carolina and it's basically 12:00 two hours pass the release time so something might be off on the timing

I live on the west coast bro

So when can i get the new version in my area

Do you think about making new games in the future? with chubby girls with big asses doing anal scenes?

we will make another game in the future, when we're done with this one

how much is the full version going to cost? (I just need a price range )


I don't charge for the game itself, folks can support it's development any time and can sub to the $10 or higher tiers to get early access to new updates 5 days earlier than the public release, but the public version of the game is always gonna be free


you are the best Breadman thank u!!!!!

(1 edit) (+1)

I live in Stupid North East Pennsylvania USA. It's already 10:33am here. I am not bashing you, just taking my time to bash my area Is all. 

Same time here in Ontario Canada



10 am PST, so like 3.5 hours



When will the beta 

game publicly release in india 

I guess 11:30 pm onwards

I have no idea, there's a countdown clock that displays in your local timezones in discord, it's about 3.5 hours away right now

I am in Ontario Canada

So whatever time 10am PST is in your timezone, that's when it's out

I can’t seem to play it, it keeps saying applications game can’t be open 😩

If you're on Mac jump on the discord and follow the notes in the pinned comment in the help channel


What time it should release public?



Hey breadman, 

I love the art style and I really do appreciate your effort you put into the game. It's probably one of my favorite games on itch io. I really like the storyline. I've probably beaten it twice by now. Completed it with each new update.

I originally found your game on "games of desires" ,but I seen you say it was a pirated website. So when I found that out I've been keeping a eye out with each of your new updates and reading your dev logs. My birthday is on the 24 so thank you for make the update available on the 20th. It's a fantastic birthday gift even though it don't really matter to anyone. 

I just wanted to say is thank you, for the time and effort you put into such a quality experience. 

Definitely would give this game a well rounded 10/10.

Hey you matter bro, happy birthday hope you enjoy the game - the public comes out tomorrow on the 18th!


yeah, I reread your dev log and I must have been a oversight. That's even better! I think it's pretty awesome of you that you are releasing the update for free. Most games on here just reduce the game into a "demo" and charge for the full experience. I just can't really afford this in this economy. All I'm saying is it really shows that you care more about your fans rather then the money. Which we all need to eat but it seems like your more focused on releasing a creation you designed over a monetized gain. If I could I would donate to you an even once this game is completed I can't wait to see your next project.

Have a happy thanksgiving!

(1 edit)

Hi, I found this game or something a lot like it (most likely the older version) A while ago but just wondering, what version to expect to have this game be at once you finish?  also love the lewd stuff in the game, well done and keep it up

Shoot, no telling an exact number but I would guess like somewhere around v.18-22? Again that's a rough guess take it with a grain of salt

thanks anyway!

At least we know that you dont plan to finish the story anytime soon. So more content!


Hello, Breadman. I discovered the existence of your game not so long ago and already found it very fun and interesting. I’m from Brazil and I believe that your game has a huge potential to become the best erotic game of all time. I hope your project is more recognized and that you get more money to invest in it. Wish you luck!


thank you! Agradeço o apoio!

(1 edit)

after I’ve progressed with brandy, I have to find jobs and earn 300 dollars but I cannot leave the street and if I try to teleport a lot of the screen is getting cut of

Download the latest version, the patch for the latest version, in the top non-public post on Substar. This is fixed in the second round of the Beta and will be fixed in the public

alright thanks

Hey man, could you explain to me how to use old save files to play

On what device

Would the public version be also for window

it would be weird for me to release the Beta on windows and then not the public haha - yes, the Public will be on PC, Mac, Linux, and Android, same as the last version

I only have one question: when will the public version be released?


I only have one answer: Monday the 18th


Nice reply 😄 bro 😁 

Had an issue where as I progressed through the game. The overworld would be zoomed in and I could not move around the camera. Really great game though, I loved playing it while I could.

im having this right now, after i did the brandy quest to continue leslies line. i cant see where im going 

you guys should download the latest patch on substar or ko-fi, this bug was reported yesterday and fixed on a patch file that went out last night

Can you post a link to the patch? I went to your Subscribestar and didn't see it.

If you have the latest version (06.5a) the patch is already installed. You'd only need it if you were going from the Public to 06.5a

Hmm. I'm still having the issue with the camera after skipping school with Brandy. Any ideas? 

if you already encountered the bug then installing the patch wouldn't fix it. There should be an option by selecting the wrench icon in the phone to reset your camera

How many scenes does Leslie have in the new update?

more than one

(2 edits)

and i'm 7 hours into the game and i feel like i've done everything is there a sequel for the stories with the demon or the mother or even the students?  I'm missing missions compared to the savegame I had directly on the site. Do they come later in the game or is it a bug? I also no longer have any quest with the neighbor. 


The top right corner has a tap when you can find the quest. Check if have completed all the tasks. If you have finished you will have to wait until further information on updates for version 0.7. All updates have something new with Leslie (mother).

what neighbor? Neither of the neighbors have content yet

the lesbian one


yeah they don't have any story content outside of brief appearances in other arcs

Hi everyone, I have a question, does anyone have the PC version When I try to download with mega it is very slow.


on the substar pinned post there's other download sources

hi Is there a way to put the game in French?

not currently, no. We want official translations eventually but it's not on our radar currently

hi I have a problem saving files. I play on a PC and even if I save my game, if I turn off my PC I have no more saves.

Make sure you're playing with the game unzipped from the zip folder and the game folder somewhere on your machine that you have permissions, like the desktop

Deleted 112 days ago

that's a pirate site. Don't do that.


any breast expansion

There is breast expansion, though only one girl has it happened so far.

do you take character requests?

we have an ideas chat on discord for ideas for the game, but I'm not currently taking art commissions and we aren't adding any new girls to the game

K cool


You are the only adult content creator I follow and watch the process very closely, you have truly created a gem of a game and I look forward to every update. Keep it up!

Thank you!

is there another option besides subscribestar like patreon?

(1 edit)

substar and ko-fi are the only options I have

ko-fi link:

How long will the new update take? It's a game that I really like, good job.

There's an update on Nov 13 for backers, then the free update will be Nov 18.

After that, theres no set dates for any update. Bread man usually does one or two updates a year, depending on the size of said up dates, but no dates until they're close to being done

assuming you mean play time? Everyone plays differently so me saying how long my own playtest took because I don't know if a given user takes the time to read the dialogue, speeds through animations, uses the teleport or walks everywhere, etc.

It's a good sized update, if you enjoy the story and animations it will take a while

Yes, I mentioned playing time. I think 9 months will be a sufficient amount of time and I hope it will be worth the wait.

hey would it be possible, in the next update to add a feature that lets you skip to the next update? I play on incognito a lot, and so I don’t save, and have gotten very far but it takes a while to get that far again, and it would just be very helpful to be able to go back to where I was last.

Deleted 114 days ago

I include a save in slot50 on everything except Mobile. What do you mean you play on incognito

Just like on incognito mode on google. Not sure if it affects anything. I also play on mobile, so that might explain it. Could you add it to mobile?

we can't add saves to mobile. What I mean is we don't support a browser based version of the game, so how/where are you playing it in incognito mode on your phone?

oh that’s weird, with the most recent update I was able to play it on Gamcore with an IPad. Before that tho it wasn’t working.

ah, there it is. Yeah, so gamecore, games of desire, any of those sites - we're not associated with them. They pirate the Beta and then I get people complaining about bugs that either are already fixed or are caused from them tossing it into a browser. We don't support 3rd party pirates, and unfortunately we cannot deploy to iPhone/Pad because of Apple's restrictive app policy. 

Sorry you're kinda left in lurch on this, but there isn't anything I can do to help since you're playing on a device we can't deploy to on a version of the game that's pirated

Looking forward to the new release. Only option I don't see in the game that would be cool is a dialogue option that allows you to choose that actual relationship between the main character and the family. Like if it's his biological mom or step-mom, for example. I like the game and all but the incest angle has never really been my cup of tea. Obviously not my creation to begin with, but just a thought. I know that the Zombie's Retreat games give you an option like this to sort of work around the angle, since most of Scarlett Ann's stories are based around incest. 


(1 edit)
I love your game Breadman❤️❤️❤️ Have you ever thought about animals fucking girls, like dogs? or double penetration, like a clone power of his, fucking giant asses, like his aunt and the English teacher, and several other big ass babes that are coming in the game?

There will never, ever, be animal stuff in game.

Cloning/duplication, stuff like that that would be powers granted by Sins is up in the air, could happen could not

Hello, is it possible to earn money somehow? I have a task to buy wine in a store, but I don’t have money and why can’t I go into the room?

You should've been given money when tasked to buy the wine, did you buy other stuff with it? I'd reload to where you were given the quest and buy what it says to then go to your parents house to continue the quest


ok thanks, I'll try to find a save

will there be a pregnancy option in the next update because the characters keep talking about getting pregnant and if there is will there be an option to still have sex with them     

Pregnancy content is more of an endgame thing. It's part of the contract MC has with Lilith and it's implied that the girls he has sex with are impregnated, but actually seeing the aftermath of that is gonna have to wait until we get in to Act 3 and finish up the Focus girl updates

what's with the forest maz puzzle?

Follow what it says in the quest log. If you mess up go down one screen then back up to reset it

hey, im on the quest on helping some girl at westwide or something? Im not sure what to do, and when the timer is done nothing happens and im unable to see the phone or three lines button. could you maybe give me a guide to this quest? Thanks! (android player)

You need to go to the mall for that, it should be noted in the quest log

ah, but I've never seen a mall around the map?

from the map where the timer starts on, go right one screen, the mall is the giant building at the bottom of that map. You can also use the world map to find it, it's like lower center, big grey building that says Mall of Vesper on it

thanks, I never actually saw any maps but I still found it

If you're not on mobile you can press M to fast travel, or on any device click the location icon in the top right, I think, to do the same

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