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1 should find more of Lilith's sisters

before 1 go back to Ysabella I can't finish this mission  help pls 

you asked and were answered on the discord so won't repeat here

question is there gonna be  a similar quest for the angels as well just like with the demons finding them?

not really, there's 2 Virtues in game currently and Gabbi esp will pop up occasionally (need more of her) in main plot stuff similar to Lilith. The rest of the Virtues are tied to the main plot and will show up later in Act 2, near Act 3 of the story


yeah i figured they will pop up later theats why  i figuerd there will be something similar to the demon ones apear it would be cool if you get power for all the angels you could travel to heaven and interact with all the angels in there angelic form just an idea when you get that far in the story

yeah i figured they will pop up later theats why  i figuerd there will be something similar to the demon ones apear it would be cool if you get power for all the angels you could travel to heaven and interact with all the angels in there angelic form just an idea when you get that far in the story


For anyone new to Demon Deals... know that this game, story, art, and everything else this project entails is among the highest quality of E-games you're gonna find. Honestly worth every penny, wait time between versions, and everything else. Definitely something you want to keep in your bookmarks and cart, so that you can keep track of current and future updates!

Ok, not wanting to insult a good game but I must point out that although it is good the art is only about 6/10 for good games the art is definitely ok but the scope of good artwork actually shot up in recent years. I don't have any complaints about the game sure like many their is things we each wished would be in the games we like but can't but the story is good can say a solid 9/10 it keeps you interested but like many games if you're playing the updates it can feel like you just skip a lot of time needlessly but not really avoidable much fits good when not fully caught up and only have that update worth of storyline left. 

I finished all missions but finally in secret garden school till me find more of Lilith's sisters how pls

(1 edit) (+1)

What effect does speaking or telling the truth to Brandy early in the game have on the story? (in school toilet)

(I'm not very good at grammar, sorry)

As far as I have seen, it hasn't affected anything besides her response. You should be safe with either choice honestly 

it doesn't effect anything yet, I'm not sure if that choice will stay honestly as I had planned for some stuff for it but ended up shuffling Brandy and Cassie's events around for 06.5 - 07.5 and I dunno if the choice makes narrative sense anymore.

my save keeps getting corrupted and i cant press the continue button is there a way to fix it   

You're likely playing the game without having extracted it from the zip folder, whenever this issue happens that's the reason

Are there new scenes in the uldate. Gotta say this my favorite nsfw game.

From .06, yes. From the Beta, no. From .06 there's content with all 4 family girls, 2 of which are big-big events

Just so you're aware Norton 360 flagged the newest version as malware

False positive, it happens with some antivirus programs but the game is safe feel free to run it through any proper antivirus program


I figured as much, that way if it happens to anybody else they'll see this

 Is Leslie's story over??

No, not even close


Thanks, I was afraid it would be like that, besto character. I will subscribe to you, let's see what other plans you have with her, you are the best

Ok breadman my dolly quest is still broken I've done all the other quests but it keeps telling me go to the maternity ward but I go there and there's nothing to do Dolly's just sitting in the baby section is there a way I could fix this? Please and thanks 

Use the debug room in the phone, the wrench icon, and fix it

my pc have a video card amd radeon HD 6770 with 4Gb of ram dedicated and the game don´t run, What are the requirements for the game to run correctly?

Update your driver's from the manufacturer website, don't rely  on Windows to keep them up to date

is there any content with

ms. yumi

ms. mae

mrs. sofia

Not yet

(1 edit)
Can you voice the female character at the beginning of sex in next vers

How do you mean?


Ask MissKitty2K on CornHub to play it, she dubs games often. 

How do i find the music from the title screen? it is awesome and i want to add it to my playlist haha

Short theme by Nene on opengameart


thank you and also the game is amazing by the way I look forward to seeing the development of it 

Can someone tell me Where can I find the white disc for Arianna quest 

Outside left of school

Where are those Ashley's papers? i can't see them anywere

(1 edit) (+1)

Assuming you got the first one, the rest should be in the quest log.

school, hospital, park, E. Main St

But they won't appear until you grab the first one. They papers are flying around in the wind on the streets.

thank you so much, i was expecting the papers to just lay on thw ground and i didnt see the first one running around

All good, happy hunting

So i pretty much completed the game again its pretty good but im having trouble progressing the weekend quest. It says to progress further with ashley. I dont have anything further to do with her but her quest stopped after she had the dream sequence. I havnt gotten any new quests for her and i wait until friday and still nothing happened. Could i get a Westbrook here? XD im stuck

Be outside your apt, in the street, in Saturday around 10-12

Im gonna give it a try, im completed the brenda event and i had to meet her at her house. It was a friday so instead i went to vist Ashley instead completed both events some how. Brendas and Ashleys dream sequence. I think I may have bugged my run because since then I completed Sabrina's story too

Possibly, yeah esp if you're playing the Beta and not the public

(1 edit)

there is a way to download it without having to pay mega premium? the first time i downloaded it with the mega app but its not working anymore jeje

My Substar has other dl sources


thanks man, i appreciate it

Hey im having an error, my screen is like stuck in place, i can travel the map but the camera does not follow the player, already tried ''Clear stuck image(s)'' on the phone

Get the latest version that's been fixed


I have downloaded the new files for Mac but I always get the same error with the GAME app. I follow the instructions and it is not possible, what can I do?

Go on the discord or follow the steps in the Mac ReadMe

any plans to go more into the story last resident of the MCs home, and the apparently horrible murder that happened to him?

Eventually, yes, that's main plot stuff

i'm getting this error: 

Error: Failed to initialize graphics.    $1

    $1    at SceneManager.initGraphics ($1rmmz_managers.js:1913$1)    $1

    $1    at SceneManager.initialize ($1rmmz_managers.js:1885$1)    $1

    $1    at SceneManager.initialize ($1VisuMZ_0_CoreEngine.js:9337$1)    $1

    $1    at ($1rmmz_managers.js:1874$1)    $1

    $1    at Main.onEffekseerLoad ($1main.js:150$1)    $1

    $1    at _onRuntimeInitialized ($1effekseer.min.js:35$1)    $1

    $1    at chrome-extension://njgcanhfjdabfmnlmpmdedalocpafnhl/js/libs/effekseer.min.js:35:327    $1

    $1    at Module.onRuntimeInitialized ($1effekseer.min.js:15$1)    $1

    $1    at doRun ($1effekseer.min.js:15$1)    $1

    $1    at run ($1effekseer.min.js:15$1)

how do i fix? please help :(

Update your graphics drivers from the manufacturer website, if that doesn't work grab the compatibility patch from my Substar page

how do I download my current save to the new version

On what device


Download new version, drag old saves/save folder to new version

love the game but i am at the quest where i have to have the red shorts i don't know how to get those


nevermind found them but still love the game

(1 edit)

after starting a new game. i noticed some of your earlier animations aren't nearly as smooth and fluid as later ones. any plans to update them to match the quality?

also, the battle with the demon shark. I died and loaded the autosave. when it asked if i wanted to "skip the fight" the shark moved forward and killed me. I couldn't do anything since the text box was still going. so if i selected "no" I would be sent to a game over screen. 

edit: selected "yes" and I still die

I'll add a note about the auto save, and yeah we are slowly redoing stuff on stream. We won't be stopping active production to do so but slowly stuff up to about v.03 will be redone


and a typo report. Ashley is talking about her sewing kit. she should be saying "IT'S still here"


Question: Is there a difference between this version and subscribestar version?

The version here and on Substar are the same, Substar just has more download links. If you meant the public vs beta that was on Substar then the public just has more big fixes

Any plans to add a gallery for unlocked scenes?

The replay room through MCs closet exists

The game crashes every time during the sex scene with Cassie at the Gym during the quest starting in the Bar on Thursdays between 6-8pm. Any one else with this issue?

Not that I've seen reported. Are you on a phone? It might be having memory issues around that area

On PC. It happened several time in a row, but was now able to reach the end and save, did not happen again

Ok, gonna write a note but assume it's user issue since I haven't seen this before

How to complete this task?

Ashley's game night and the subsequent quest with Angelina will get you to them

Hii...... Breadman, I really like this update question is that .... upcoming update v0.7 you focus of which character most if you interested to tell so plzz.....if not is ok to wait.......😊

Sunny the therapist

what file am i supposed to move the beta into to move my saves, i tried many different times, different files, just doesnt seem to fix the bug where the camera doesnt follow the mc after the cousin quest


You move the patch files into the game directory as the ReadMe says, if you've already encountered the bug you need to reload to a save from before it happened or use the camera debug using the wrench in the phone

(1 edit)

thank you breadman, im dyslexic so i didnt understand it, im sorry for being a bother 😭😭

Should I be worry about it or not? 

you're fine, it's because it's not an app you're getting from an app store but feel free to run it through a virus scan program if you'd like




I'm a bit stuck with Ashley I have been to Angelina but now I have nothing else from ashley

Be outside your apt in the weekends

I have a question for the quest the weekend it says to progress further with Ashley but I got no quests for her and I've done all brandy and Cassie's quest etc 

Love the update btw!

Be outside your apt in the weekend morning/afternoon period

please add sadako from the ring as a demon or a side demon it is a good rated recommendation and would love to enjoy her!

Help, after an event with the MC's cousin, the screen stayed like this even if I used the map, it doesn't let me see where I'm going, how do I correct this error?

Download the latest public version, this was fixed

Hi breadman is there a way to change the mc's name?

Nevermind i found it sory to bother you with this stupid question

Hey breadman, just finished the game. The scenes were awesome but the whole family dynamic with Paul and Leslie was amazing too. Just wanted to ask one thing, how do I get rid of the question marks in the hello love app.

Which question marks?

The ones when you open a character profile in hello love app. Ones you click on the question mark, it says look for hints in the log quest.


Ah, generally I think those might be like placeholders if there aren't quests in the quest log

Any plans for a Steam release?

Not currently, no

I have a problem. I'm playing the Android version, after the event at Brandy's apartment, I can't move around the city or return home.

You need to download the latest update that can't out on Monday, if you're somehow playing that on mobile and still have the camera bug use the wrench in the phone to debug it

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