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i know u are planning new game but can u tell us maybe if this also are gonna be mom/son ect. ?

The next game won't be in development until this game is complete, which is so far off that there isn't really much good that can come from talking about it haha

Trust that in that far future I know what stories I like to tell and what kind of girls I like to draw

(1 edit)

Hello!!!, I have a question, on the science and math teacher route, the only events are when the MC goes to school for the first time, right?

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Yes on both accounts, eventually more content will be added for both of them but as of right now, that's the extent of their content. 

Thanks!!!!, one more question, which of all the characters has the most complete route?

Brenda and Sabrina have full story routes that are longer than others, there's also several commission girls with shorter routes like Angelina, Candy, Dolly, Asha and Calliope. The next update will complete Sunny's story.

J'adore le graphisme et les animations du jeu. Bravo, j'attends la suite avec impatience. Est-ce que la diffusion sur Steam est prévue ?

I love the graphics and animations of the game. Bravo, I'm looking forward to the sequel. Is it planned to release on Steam?

While I do plan on making another game in the future, it won't be until after I complete this game's development and it won't be a direct sequel. I also don't currently have any plans to release the game on Steam.


Take ur time we waiting and know it's gonna be some of ur best work..

I really like your game. I would like to know if you would consider doing a translation for the game?

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it's something we plan to do at some point when our budget and available time permits

I can do the translation into Portuguese for free. In fact, I already tried to do it through reverse engineering, but I was not successful. I really would like to translate this game


Is there any way to export my save and import it in another device?


You can transfer any desktop saves as you'd like. E.g, Windows to macOS, or macOS to Linux etc.

You cannot transfer (export/import) mobile saves to or from PC, macOS, or Linux.

The only way to export and move saves from PC to mobile is to use JoiPlay and run the game that way. But YMMV using JoiPlay.


We don't provide support for Joiplay since we have a dedicated mobile version, and because we don't want to / can't troubleshoot for everyone who doesn't have experience with using that. We include the option to begin at new content on all platforms and as long as a player doesn't delete the app from their phone, when a new version is installed it will retain their saves


i thought this game was just gonna be another Shitty 2d game with casual scenes and a horrible story, Boy was i wrong, The story got me hooked instantly absolutely love it keep it up.

Glad we surprised you haha thanks for playing!

There's still no sex content with leslie?


Progress log?

(1 edit) (+2)

Hey breadman, did you forget to do a status update?

Yess broo....... This time you are late 😭 broo...


I was off my computer yesterday so posted it early on my Substar aand the discord but yeah I did forget to post here, will do shortly


Im in love with this game

Any idea when you might decide to do content with the lesbian next door neighbors?

(2 edits) (+3)

When they win the subscriber vote for the character(s) to get the next focus update.

Voting is going on right now over on Subscribestar.

How many progress logs are left

No way to know, if I knew it'd be pretty easy for me to give estimates - which is why I don't give release date estimates, because I don't know how many logs are left


hello bread, your game is amazing and I look forward to it non-stop, reading the weekly updates. This idea of a family relationship is brilliant and I hope you will stick to it even after you finish this game, and not get involved in any step-type things. I also have a few questions for you: 1. Will there be an option in further updates to maintain only one relationship, e.g. Leslie, or at least not to participate in threesomes? 2. Will Paul's father be more humiliated in future updates?  3.Will leslie talk dirty more? I always try to support you financially but I can't always but I love you anyway bread, thanks for your answers in advance

1. I dunno if there'll be an option to avoid threesome content, I hadn't really thought of that as controversial enough to warrant but we do consider safety veils for certain stuff so it's possible. That's likely something Zakko and I will go over when it gets to that time.

2. Paul's story will continue and continue with the same themes

3. Leslie has progressed to dressing more provocativelyand talking more intimately with MC, that'll continue as well.

Glad you enjoy the game!

The game art and story is very good i cant lie im very hooked on the story, straight up made a banger. But is there any chance that in the future you would do a version where like they aren't blood related kinda like summer time saga. I know this is a big ask and is kinda the point but just something where you know you have a mode where the story is like your a step son or some minor change to just help. Your art is amazing but i just finished Leslie part and it was just a lot for me personally. Of course know your game is early in dev but im just wondering if you ever considered something like that. Love the content good luck on rest of game.

Summertime Saga, I believe, had to do that because of the platform they use. At this time the platform we use doesn't have those same restrictions

Is part .07 out yet?

Are you keeping up with the weekly progress logs I post on here? 

No, .07 isn't out yet

But I cant wait until MC and the neighbors will have some fun or one of the neighbors walks in on MC and mom or MC and mom have fun and cousin/aunt or sis walks in on them 🙈🙈

When Im trying to download the latest version on Android mega wont let me read it in English  🤣🤣🤣😢🙈

If Mega is giving you issues use a different dl source from my Substar

I hope there is threesome/lesbian content between lilith and Leslie/Ashley/Sabrina in future updates... :)


Based wincest enjoyer dev, just wanted to say Ash is best girl / sister-wife next to Mom. Also playing through it I could see the steady refinement in art style/quality. Either I'm missing it, but I wish there were a database for all the animations with the girls that you could easily view after unlocking.


the star in MCs closet gets you to the replay room


Ahh, I see, thank you sir

can't figure out how to watch a romantic movie with mom...


After like 5pm, interact with couch


appreciate you

A family as beautiful as this one, united and naughty, doesn't have a pet? I suggest a big dog! Hahahaha


Fuck no

Amen to that

(1 edit)

It’s fun to read the comments every day😅❤️

I downloaded the game through drive and I can't extract the files, it always gives me this massage "unexpected end of archive", what can I do to fix it?

Why my android device have low fps? It's stuck on 8-10 fps. Do you have any solutions


close other apps that are using your phone's memory in the background, other than that I can't control device-specific issues

someone send me a link ha discord I tried everything but I can’t say it’s an error or add me to others and invite me (my tag is ce|0vek44#0618)


5 stars sir

Vote for teacher's and librarian Amara v.08😃!


the bracket challenge is up on Discord, the votes begin officially next Wednesday!


I'm waiting for it bro😃, and I am very excited for v.08.So thankyou for this update!


why doesn't Mac version open


user error?

There should be a ReadMe in the Mac zip with troubleshooting advice, the same and more is also pinned in the Help chat on the discord

breadman do we have to start from the beginning again when downloading the latest and new version

no, on everything except mobile it has always been the case that people could start from the latest content using slot 50. As of the 06.5a build, the latest one, anyone on any platform we deploy to can start from the latest stuff

does anyone else want a scene between the MC and Ashley's DnD friend?

I hope you mean Babs and not Chuckie haha

Babs is a focus girl and will, eventually, get her story told

well I'm not gonna judge anyone on the answer. but i am curious about Babs since if u do make a sex scene with her, she would be the first girl in the game without exaggerated features


yeah her and Sifa have the most not-stylized body types I think, out of the focus girls at least. Bab's is fun though, it'll be a good time to work on her

hell, Sifa still has a large rack. not saying u should update Babs appearance at all since i'm curious how it would look with her as is. though it made me wonder if she was going to have a scene since boobs and butts seem to be the common factor with the girls


she's kinda the exception that proves the rule haha

Are there any such games you can recommend?

I don't have much free time these days, I've fallen way behind on what's out there

Hey Breadman...Does this game having any end........or not......🤔

I love this new update v6.5 💟

there isn't an end in-game yet, no, but there is a planned ending once we're through all the focus girls and main plot. We're early in Act 2 right now

Hey breadman is Leslie is biological mother of mc pls tell me personally I don't like stepmother stepson relationship in game pls say they are blood related

She's his Mom, there's nothing in game that insinuates they're not blood related so I dunno why you'd assume that they weren't

(1 edit) (+1)

Being his mom ,sister, cousin, aunt lol That's what makes the game intriguing.. best game by far, take ur time ... awaiting vol 7 I know it's gonna be worth it

Hey breadman can you just tell me the steps that how can i start with latest content after downloading dd in my laptop

if you have the latest version it is as easy as starting a new game and choosing that option when presented as soon as the new game starts

see this is the latest ver of dd

No, it's just 06.5a no "public" or anything

see this is the latest ver of dd

Bread Man When will the update come out?
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I don't, ever, make estimates on release dates if I cannot guarantee that date. 

This is why I only announce a date when I finish Production and begin bugtesting

ok thanks pro

I tried it and still the link term doesn’t work, I made it with cokie files and even with incognito it’s still the same🥲

All I can say is to try again later, discord gets weird sometimes the links are active the site is just wonky sometimes

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i think ive finish the game :( is gabbi in v7?

also i cant join the discord it says unable to accept invite :/

The only confirmed characters for v.07 are Sunny's full story and some Leslie stuff, I don't talk about anything else that may or may not happen in an update.

If discord is giving you issues try the link either from a private or incognito browser, or delete your browsers cookies and try it again

why can't I log in from substar to your discord? it says the link is not working

Discord gets wonky sometimes, try the link either from a private or incognito browser, or delete your browsers cookies and try it again

Hey breadman i have completed this game in my android phone but i have to play this in my pc

Dies i need to play it again in my pc

What should i do

There's an option to start at the latest content on all platforms, so you'll still have to play the latest update again if you want to 100% both versions but you won't have to replay the whole game

Yeah im ok to start with latest con but ill have all completed scene and how to do it

There's an option when you start a new game

(2 edits)

Is there a problem with dolly questline it keeps saying it bugged even after i reset the quest in the debug room?


If you're having trouble with it use the debug room to complete it instead

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