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Just an appreciation post, this is honestly the best game I've seen in the genre, at least in terms of art

Thank you, I appreciate it!

When is the next update? Im already super invested in this game!

I don't do estimates for when updates are coming, keep an eye on the progess logs I post on here and substar and discord to see where I'm at in a given week - that's the best I can do to keep folks in the know on where I'm at

Btw, the link to the discord is expired

it didn't, it's just finicky sometimes. Try it from a different or incognito browser 

could you add both finger and toe nails manicure with randomized color for each char? it will be more awesome as it already is if you could do so mate.


no I don't see that being feasible. That's a lot of art to add and variables to track

Need help downloading this onto my phone. Advice


if you're on android download the apk and install it like an app. If you're on iphone, buy an android we can't deploy to those haha

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Im on android. How would i do that per say...? Im excited to play but im a bit tech challenged.


in the files listed on the page here there's one labeled as mobile or APK, you download that to your device and then click it from within your downloads or files folder, wherever your device stores downloaded files. You should be prompted to stage it or install it and that's it I think


I got it finally.


I just realized , im totally fucked up, I mean, think about the fact that could be alot of 4ways opportunities in the game is so insane.. We have for example MC, sabrina, MOM and /or aunt/cousin.. MC, mom,aunt and/or cousin/sister, MC, mom and the neighbours.. MC, Sab, librarian and brenda... MC, and the three sisters... MC and the 2 sisters from church and Cass etc.. A sick combo would be MC, Juggs, Mom and/or research boss.. well it could be a whole orgy for what i know... some characters walking in on others and join etc :).. But I do love the game... Waiting for the next update.

What is the latest update my game says .06a 

I am on a android phone

that's the latest 

Ok ty and that mostly for bugs in the game nothing new since the brenda adventure

Yeah, .06a was just bug fixes


Cool i am up to date

just waiting for the next update and the adventure

Hey, Breadman. I just realized you updated the game, and I wanted to know if there was a way to transfer data from previous updates or if I'll have to play through the whole game again. Thanks!

depends what you're playing on, but yes. If you're on anything except mobile you can drag your old save folder into the new game directory to transfer saves, if you are on mobile and you haven't deleted your old version then downloading the new version will automatically update your game and preserve your saves. If you're on mobile and deleted your game before downloading the new version the saves are lost and there's nothing we can do about it, though


Breadman, I just finished playing your latest update of the game. As always it was fucking amazing. I honestly love looking forward to every new update, I no lie play the game from the beginning every single time. I know you don't really give a time frame for when the next update is, honestly I enjoy it that much more because I never now when the next one will be. All I want to know is if Ashley is gonna have more content in the next update.

(2 edits) (+1)

He's mentioned this a lot, so I know what the answer is. 
every .0 update will focus on Leslie and another character(s) who is not in the MC's family.

every .5 update will be a family update, including Ashley, aunt, cousin and mom.

So yes, the next update should include some more of Ashley, though how much is up to breadman lol


what Copper said, yeah haha


just trying to save you time on the easy replies lol

Awesome, thanks for that. I'm really looking forward to more of her content.

one day plz make a video, how to install that type of games for mac 

How can I play on Mac?

we have a detailed troubleshooting guide on the discord if you're having issues and the ReadMe isn't helping

I can't join discord

Anyone with mac issues:

How to run the game / The application can't be opened

In the terminal, write "sudo chmod -R a+x " without the quotation marks, (don't press enter yet, and notice the space at the end after 'a+x', make sure it's there) then drag into the terminal and press enter. It will likely ask for your password for security reasons. When you type it in, it may not show anything. Just type it like normal and press enter. You should now be able to launch it via

"Demon Deals" cannot be opened because the developer cannot be verified (macOS cannot verify that this app is free from malware)

Option 1. In the Finder, locate Do not use Launchpad for this, as it won't work. Control-click in the Finder, then "Open". You may need to click "Open" again. After having opened the game in this way, it should be saved as an exception, and you should be able to open it normally from now on. Option 2. In the terminal, write "sudo spctl --master-disable" without the quotation marks, then hit enter. It will likely ask for your password for security reasons. When you type it in, it may not show anything. Just type it like normal and press enter. If it still doesn't launch, at this point, go ahead and follow the instructions above on "How to run the game". If you wish to re-enable the macOS developer verification check again, do the same in the terminal as before, except write "sudo spctl --master enable" without the quotation marks, then hit enter.

you dont have a video or something similar, its a little bit difficult, i just wanna play, and its seem difficult to put codes and etcs


it's opening the terminal and inputting a line of code to try it, I don't have a video and I'm sorry you're having issues. If you aren't familiar enough with the use of the Mac it might not be possible to get this figured out.


Make his dick bigger later on.


haha I probably won't but I dig the enthusiasm

(1 edit) (+1)

I keep getting stuck at the skip class with Brandy part, she runs out of the class and then so does the MC but the scene doesn't trigger.

I'm able to walk around and can't leave and when I talk to the history teacher her and the mc sprite disappear then the game sort of locks up and I have to close it and restart.

Edit: sorry I just saw the patch notes

when will the next update be breadman? awesome update by the way for 6.0

I don't do estimates for releases, it's ready when it's ready. That being said, v.06 just came out so it'll be a while

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Is there a way to change characters' names? For example, changing "mom" to "roommate". 

No, just the MC

what length was MC's cock before Lilith gave him the upgrade

Up to the player to decide

Amazing work, the improvements since  5.0 are crazy. When do you hold character polls?

And it will probably never happen, but I would love to see Sunny and Amira in a threesome <3

Usually have the votes for the next focus build during the current one, so since I'm doing the family update and then Sunny, it'll be later this year.

as for threesomes, who knows? There'll be bonus events folks can vote on in the future so it could happen 

When will the full game be released?

The full, finished game? Like, years and years, long time

Надеюсь что mother главного героя и дальше будет ему помогать)))

Привет Хлеб, сюжетная линия с мамкой главного героя отличная!!! Хотелось бы больше действий с ней!)))


Leslie always gets content every update, she's my favorite!


10/10 game! Can't wait for next update

Yo bread PLS help, im doing Sabrina's story but when It comes to "go back to Sabrina at Hex rated" Sabrina's character is stuck in her room and i can't talk to her ( i cant even open her Door). What do i do? 


you should've gotten a quest/directive when doing so to progress with Leslie, you need to get further into her story to get an ability that's used in the next section of Sabrina

Hey bread how to apply the patch for android?

(1 edit)

don't delete your current version, download the new one and let it update your game. There's no patch for mobile since it updates the whole thing anyways 

it keeps getting me stuck when im talking to teacher

what teacher and stuck how

the history teacher with brandy

you downloaded the v0.06a patch and it's still doing that?

Hola buenas tardes,tienen una forma para traducir el juego?

de momento no hay traducción oficial del juego, es algo que queremos en el futuro

y alguna forma no oficial?

I don't know, could be. Not like I'd endorse them if I did seeing as they'd be, y'know, unofficial

Hey Bread,

Just wanted to pop in and say you've done a darn good job with the animations as well as the art. It looks fantastic honestly. You're very talented. I tried out your game like a year or two ago and never really got that far.

However this time I ran through the game almost none stop (Except for days I had to go to work). Took me around 7 hours 30 minutes to reach the end of the current content (With me skipping the text most of the time, which frankly shows that you also did an amazing job with the quest/hint system. Even someone that didnt really pay attention to the story could easily play the game).

Overall, well done.

I am curious, will you be implementing any scenes with the more normal looking women? Like the one from the DND campaign? "In the land of the bimbos, the mundane becomes the fetish".


Yeah, Babs totally will get her own update it's just going to be a long time before she gets voted in. Glad you enjoyed it!

Hey, Bread.

Who are your favorite 3 characters, but with the caveat that your decision has to be based on the content you already have out for them? No amazing future scene or planned character arcs.


I mean, Leslie's #1, obviously haha

Uhhh... I dunno, I like all the girls and I think the ones we have content with are fun and unique from each other. Sabrina's story was a lot of fun, Brenda had some of the best animations, Ashley has great tension and buildup of a strong relationship, Cassie and Brandy are both a lot of fun too with some nice scenes already. Tough question haha, I can't answer it aside from having Leslie tops

Now complete the story of Brandy .......when was new update coming to continue the story


I don't do estimates


Thanks 👍🏻..... So I am waiting......😅

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For the hidden space quest i am at the waterfall and i can not find anything

Bottom right of the hedge there's a part that is tougher looking, you can get through there


how to download on mac ? having a hard time trying to download on my macbook lol

it should be as easy as downloading the Mac version above and following the ReadMe file. IF you have further issues please go to the discord we have a pinned walkthrough of common Mac issues


Great game, love the update! I did notice one 'bug': the top rail of the stairs to the boardwalk act like stairs.

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A very good update. Excited for 6.5, probably top 5 best Adult games out right now. Keep up the good work man.

Excellent game.

It left me looking forward to seeing Leslie play with the toy and imagine her son

The only thing I couldn't do was Dolly's, she's still in the maternity ward. Then all more stories and the imagination of 10.

Download the patch .06a file, we added a debug menu through the phone (the wrench) to fix Dolly

Will we ever get to see the lady cop naked? She is hot!!!

Sam or Juggs? Yes to both, eventually

The one who's girlfriend is MC neighbor.

Sam, yeah she'll get her update but it might be awhile until she gets voted for

Can you give us a hint for the another character that u want to intimate with mc

next update is family focused, so Leslie, Ashley, Cassie, and Brandy will all get content. V0.07 is after that, which will complete Sunny's content (Sunny is the therapist)

can you also give me for the next release?? huhu im so excited

I don't do estimates ahead of time, it just puts pressure on me

I was wondering do you already have character routes thought up or do you wait till the  poll is done

Have the family and main plot solid, have ideas and outlines for other girls but wait til they get voted for their update to solidify their arc

Whenever I do brandys second quest it tells me to finish class and locks me in the school.


Breadman is clutch with his earlier notes. All you have to do is let it auto and once ur character moves out of the room go up once. Little tricky but set a save before. Thanks breadman ur the goat!

the quest says find dolly in the hospital, but dolly still in maternity ward,i can't trigger the further content of dolly. Any advice?

I know it is a bug, any fixbug patch for Android?

Download the.06a APK and let it update your game. Do not delete your current version

I downloaded the patch but the area still says restricted

Thank you

I had fully completed dolly on my save but her new content in the research wing doesnt show up in the closet symbol replay area either

Click the wrench icon in the phone, the patch doesn't automatically fix bugs that have already happened to saves but we've added a debug room. Follow the instructions in game on how to fix your save

Bit stuck where do i find "Cassies Workout Quest"


Continue the sabotage the laundry quest to get to it

literally as soon as I posted that I figured it out XD

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Looks like you've accidentally uploaded a second instead of an adroid apk for the new .06a

Should be fixed now. Uploading to a lot of sites haha

Cheers, Breadman! 

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