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Hello, will characters like Sabrina appear in the story of other characters, particularly the other teachers?

not likely, we have to be careful of when and how other focus girls appear in different girls' stories to avoid continuity errors

OK I see, thank you

Please release v.06.5 bro please 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏😭😭😭😭😭

I'm working on it

Ok bro add Leslie scene bro I'm favorite Leslie is so hot

Leslie gets content every update bro

Ah thank you bro

Where is the laundary basket for the progress lessie quest 

In your apartment by the bathroom, where the washer and dryer is. It spawns after continuing Leslie's quest by watching a romantic movie after the first day of school

Hi mate, do you have another download link for PC, not because it not allow more than 1.5 GB

yeah, on my page here go to my subscribestar, there's a public pinned post there that has other DL sources

I thunk I'm stuck? I've had brenda and the savotage laundry quest pretty much the entire game. I've done everything else aside from the Secret Girlfriend quest, and finally caved to look up what to do. Apparently Leslie is supposed to be at the gym but she isn't, I went through Brandy's quest and it mentioned a scene I didn't do, what do I do to fix this? 

what does sabotage the laundry say to do? You should be able to interact with the laundry basket in the house and go from there

it says this

Did you do that 


Of course it was that simple, I had that quest for so long expecting lilith to tell me to go, but I guess I just forgot she told me? I think it would be better to word the quest as if Lilith already told you to go rather than implying she hasn't told you yet. 10/10 game though love it thoroughly.

2 question today, who are your favorite teachers in order and why? Did you have the entire scenario in mind?

outside of the family I try to not have favorites, I'm interested in whatever character I'm working on in  the moment. There are a few stories we have more planned out than others that I'm excited about, like Sofia, the Freeman Sisters, and the Linnet family


Okay I understand


I'm remaking the game from the beginning while waiting for the new update 😂 because I love the game but also I lost all the knowledge 😅


I see you're a connoisseur of busty big lipped babes as well. Enjoyed the play through of v0.6a, looking forward to seeing more. 👌

The question of days in the plural, what will the next update be about? And how many more updates will come out this year?

(1 edit)

The update I'm working on now is about the four family girls. Whenever I'm able to get it out, it'll be the last one to come out this year 

That great!! 

I want to say your game is really cool.I appreciate it that's make this art. So how to do this event? I really didn't understand it.


There is a little path leading to pool which is in front of waterfall (mid-right bottom side of the pool if I remember well). From this pool you can go to waterfall and there is an event there.

弟did it thanks

I send a lot of comments in a short time 😅 sorry but I would like to know why Leslie and Ashley are your favorite characters (for me it's Ashley) and if you plan to develop all the characters like the other teachers?

yeah I did see your other post this morning before it was deleted, I only check this site once or twice a day so if I don't answer right away trust that I will if given a bit of time haha

To answer, yes all the teachers and school staff will get content, even Mae. Non-family characters get their entire story completed in a single update, one at a time as they're voted in by supporters of the project. We've completed Sabrina and Brenda already and will be starting work on Sunny's update once this current one is complete.

Leslie is my favorite because she's my ideal woman/character, she was the first character I created for DD and she has all my favorite traits and features. She's warm, kind, with a romantic streak waiting to be pulled out and a lot of hidden desire she is holding on to for the right person haha

Ashley was a surprise, as she was developed she became a really interesting and real-feeling character. She's fun, loyal, protective and funny, almost oblivious of how attractive she is. They're both great

I deleted my message because I was afraid to force 😂 thank you for your very detailed answer

 Who is your favorite character?

Leslie, easily. Ashley a close second

How long will the next update be compared to the others, I love what you are doing

Hey again, it will likely be around the same/similar length though I don't know for sure yet. My guess is shorter than v.06 and longer than 5.5

can you make a part were one of the girl get **** with there clothes on

get what with their clothes on

Fucked I think?

He wants scenes with them still wearing clothing I'm guessing?

I hope that's what they meant haha - to answer that question though yeah I think we could do some scenes with varying levels of undress

yea that what i mean

New player here and just vibing through the beginning so far. I wanted to ask how do I delete a manual save? For the instance that don't want in that save slot anymore.

you can save over it, or if you just want that slot blank and if you're not on mobile you can navigate to the Save folder in the game directory and delete the save there. I don't believe there's a way to do so on mobile though

Got it. Thanks

Does anyone know what to do on the beach after talking to the sushi restaurant attendant? 

go at night, there should be an icon on the beach for you to collect the crabs

I need some help I lost my save games is there any ways to recover it ??

The update, except for mobile, comes with a save in slot50 that picks up at the new stuff

oh man i have to start again ive playing it on mobile

Sorry dude, that sucks but yeah there isn't anything we can do for mobile saves

I have a problem. When i was asked to buy a wine i couldn't because the sop was closed. So I went the next day i I had bought it. But the mission still didn't progressed, so i bought another one. And now i have no money.  And the game doesn't let me earn more.

You have to take the wine to your parents house in the lower right side of the neighborhood, after like 5pm I think

Qquestion breadman would you make a game like this again in the future thank you in advance for answering cause this game is so good

Eventually, when this one is done, I wanna make another game


I really like this game, really. I find the work put into coding something that very few people make an effort to do, being an NSFW game, impressive. The quality reached such a point that I found the story interesting, and there is no character that I don't like. Obviously it is open to improvements, for example the interface could be improved, but the rest I do a more than decent job of completing. And a request of mine, it is more for a fetish. But I would like Leslie to have a boobfight with someone else, thank you very much for reading.


What a game, I was very impressed with the amount of content that is available for a beta, it never felt incomplete and I appreciate that we're told through messages when the content is still a WIP, I spent quie some time trying to move forward on the side quests. The pacing is good, the character dialogues are very well written, the art style is consistent and the animations are really smooth, 

My only suggestion would be to make the map feature more obvious, or to implement it as an app of the mobile phone of the main character, maybe both. I also would like to see more visual feedback in the UI, if you hover your cursor over the icons on the top of the screen they are highlighted. I'm not sure if this feature is available but maybe mapping the whole game to keyboard keys would be more comfortable for certain tasks, and to have a "controls" menu when you enter the pause menu, so you can always check them.


Great feedback, I'm glad you enjoyed the game and you made some excellent points. We are always looking for ways to improve the UI and the overall experience and I think at least some of what you mentioned are things we're building towards

that's awesome to hear, can't wait for the next update

it says "VisuMZ_0_CoreEngine's version does not match plugin's. Please update it in the Plugin Manager." how do i do that ?

did you apply the patch to the v.06 version or something? I would redownload a clean version of v.06a, make sure to put your save folder aside if you're on anything except mobile and if you are on mobile make sure to not delete your game when you install the game again

Hi Breadman,

I just wanted to know if there were any extra variant or replayable scenes in the update v.06 left after finishing both brenda and leslie for the update? Scenes like with Brenda at the beach shower type after the main brenda story.

Brenda in the beach shower, her house shower, repeatable scenes at school and her apartment. Leslie has repeatable shower scenes in the mornings as well

Deleted 11 days ago

you gotta click Buy in the menu for the items to show up, it's an rpgm thing

Bro I am so much excited for this update but taking so much time why and where you doing live streaming

It has a lot of content coming. I stream on discord

Bro how to join your streaming on discord

I stream on Mondays, if you're on the discord there's the Events tab on the top left of the sidebar. You can click 'interested' and it'll ping you when I start a stream. All streams are either at 10AM PST or 5PM PST, and the schedule of upcoming streams is on there too


what’s the background music called, it’s really good is it custom?

Are the post logs updates that i should download or just the current status for the next update?

current status, when the game is updated the version number will increase to .06.5

Who your favorite girl, design and personality??


Leslie, Leslie, and Leslie. Dream woman haha

I can't buy the wine from Sal's it just keeps giving me a blank box with no buy prompt and I'm in Android if that helps

Make sure you're also clicking the buy box when entering the shop menu, the items don't appear until you select a category

Deleted post

No, thank God haha

Early supporter commissioned Dolly, and then when we designed Kristine he'd become a regular in the discord community and a mod so she became Dolly's daughter, so we got two weegies now

I’m stuck on the fast thing with the text, I click on auto and I can turn it off and on but I can’t turn of the fast button it’s always in green, I’ve also tried going to the hospital to see if I can click it when the receptionist says if I want to work but it doesn’t let me click the green fast button, plz help really nice game

My developer let me know that the easy way to fix this is to right click if you're on PC, or tap with two fingers if you're on mobile

Hey breadman, i've been playing this amazing game for a quite time, i've completed the current story, And i want to shift my paltform form android to windows, is there any way to do this without losing my game data, kindly answer my question, great game as i always say!!!

Unfortunately there isn't, however the PC version comes with a save in slot50 that picks up at the new content

When will there be a 100% completion of the game because I lost the save file and do not want to restart the game from the beginning, on the phone?

You know I just realized, if the replay room is for 50 girls, and the love app is for 30, then 10 are the 7 sins sisters + the 3 angels ,10 are another side characters that aren't worthy a phone link (therapist,nun) and 30 are major characters, till now we finished 7 girls total, that means we still have 43 girls to go, at a rate of 1-3 girls an update and 2 updates a year that's 7 years if every update is a 3 girls.

So let's see which girls is which update (probably) 

The nun and two black sisters is gotta be one, the nun wanna stop us from corrupting the sisters, 

The neighbors and officer juggs, the cop neighbor, we get close to Bex while helping Sam disassemble a gang and in the raid Sam and The MC find the demon in juggs while fighting the gang, 

The mother and 3 sisters, we defeat the demon that was found in the mirror which causes thier businsses collapse and we help them stand up again, 

Also maybe science and math teacher with The labrarian, all with separate story lines, 

The there is the mother daughter teacher student duo and the school nurse, dating both and playing with them both.

What do you think??


The meet with brandy before history class is bugged for me, (Android) every time I do so, she runs off, I can't exit the school and interacting with Sofia softlocks me. What do I do?


Make sure you're playing v 06a (the A is important) as that bug was fixed in the latest patch

Hey bro, I'm at the mission where I have to sign up for classes but I saw through a YT video I didn't talk to the goth girl b4 I signed all my classes. Now I'm stuck can't talk to the girl nothing. I guess I was supposed to do it in order wasn't aware of that tho is there anything I can do ? Restart the mission ? I was over lapping my saves on file two last file was was obviously 1 but that was basically the start of the game when I'm moving in 😭 trying to progress I really like this game but don't want to have to start all over

You can't finish signing up for classes without talking with Sabrina and Lucia, so if you completed that part and did the classes you should be fine to talk to Sabrina during the lunch period

Yo, i'm 5hrs in on the browser version (games of desire) and i was wondering if i should continue or if there is so much more stuff should i download the game? I've been thinking about it but if there are only a few more things then i won't bother. Thanks in advance (also just want to say this game is a lot of fun and is imo much better than the other games that go "hey we are gonna let you go around and fuck everyone." since in this game you do it rather quickly which isn't a bad thing)


I answered you in Discord but want to stare here so it's clear - Games of Desire and any other 3rd party site hosting a browser version are pirates hosting a pirated version. I'm not affiliated with them, I get nothing from them, and I don't offer support for people playing on them. 


I just finished with most of Demon Deals, great game. I don't play a lot oof sandbox games if I am wrong, then correct me. Nor do I play games with the Pac-Man like movement, but I actually watched Demon Deals on Youtube a while ago and made sure to remember to download it when I came into this AVN stuff. Great Game, Great Story, though it is slow paced. My favorite women are, 1.Brenda 2. Ashley (Even though she doesn't have much) And 3. Cassie. I look forward to content with Amira and Lucia. Keep up the amazing work.


Any chance we will see more sabrina content in future she's my favourite but love the work, best game out there I've found so keep it up and just hope u keep most fetishis normal sex shit with this dudes weapon  and hopefully some throat fucks 

Potentially yes, we're planning "bonus events" that folks will be able to vote in in the future for extra scenes with completed girls, like Sabrina


Good game, but Wish we didn't have to replay the whole scene just to see the spicy part.

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