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This game must have updates in this month 

This month it must? I doubt it will, honestly

(1 edit)

The game doesn't play on my android phone it says syntaxError unexpected token?

Redownload it, probably just a bad DL

Does the same thing

Which characters will have the most events so far in the game, and will Ashley's event be related to the famous internet plant seen?

You mean in the game total so far? Leslie. In this update? I'm not gonna get in to who's getting what amount or what the stories will entail haha

you leave the suspense going haha


gotta haha

Yo bredman will Leslie (mom) get any update soon like your going to add more storyline and scene's to her?

Leslie gets content every update

how the hell do i play the game? im on laptop but it keeps saying "unable to download due to this being from a third party website"?

you should check your computers settings then to make sure you have the permissions to download from the link provided. Alternatively, you can go to my substar (also linked on my main page here) and there's other sources there

will amira gets any updates?

for sure, the way I do updates for non-family characters is that their whole story gets completed in a single update, like we did with Sabrina and Brenda. The next one of those is for Sunny, who won the v.07 vote last year, but Amira is eligible for the v.08 that'll be happening on substar once I get in to development on Sunny's update

Hi pro, since the last day you told me 

"Wait for the update, it says it's not implemented yet"

How many period I should wait 🫠🤔

Until the update is out

(1 edit)

i've looked around everywhere for pantry raid and still cant find it

Exit your apartment, go to the right 2 screens. It's to the right of Tech Works



When is the game release, at least an approximate date?


I don't make estimates on when an update is coming. I do weekly logs showing what I've done and what I got left and folks can extrapolate from there for their own guesses but we do not give a date until I know I can make it.

hey, im having this problem with leslies route where im suppossed to go to the hospital i cant get the scene where i see dolly from the window and then i get stuck inside the hospital cuz i cant activate the scene cuz the circle in the window doesnt appear for some reason.

use the wrench icon in the phone to debug Dolly's quest if you're having issues with it


thanks man, got it working.


Thanks man

breadman when are we gona get contact for dr miller & also  sunny 

Sunny will be having her story completed in the update after this one, v.07. Maria and Juggs will be getting content in one of the non-focus updates in the near future

You are doing a good job man,i really like this game ,but i would like to know if there will be ntr in the future because it is something i hate and i think it will ruin the game


No, there won't. We don't like NTR either

MC & Leslie .. is it doesn't count as NTR?

NTR is a complicated term because it means like 3 different things depending on *what* kind of NTR you mean - in this context I think the original question was asking about netorare, which is when another character steals the main characters love interests - in this case MCs. NTR is a blanket term that can mean very different things, for example MC + Leslie from the view of Paul is netorare, but Paul's not the main character, we (MC) are, and from our context it's still technically NTR but it's the netori version - where MC (we) steal other people's love interests. It's more about power than jealousy or shame in our context.


Hello, how many updates do you release per year?

As many as I can, which recently has been 1-2 unfortunately


Updates take a while to come out but they are amazing and worth the wait

bro you could change MEGA for another one, M after 1.7Gb charges you for downloading, there are other better ones MEDIAFIRE for example

I have other download sources on my Substar, free public pinned post. Go check there


Games fucking amazing man, cant wait for the next update

(Animations so fire too keep the good work up lmaooo) 

Eyy thanks bro

Ok dude sorry for confusing you, Can you tell me what to do After seeing this picture😅🫠🫣🙂

Wait for the update, it says it's not implemented yet

Deleted 184 days ago

when did the update come out? The last update was in February my dude

Deleted 184 days ago

i download the pc version and it goes to my filles how can i actually play it?

Unzip the game folder, got in it and run the Game exe

It's been too long for me to wait... I'm here not make some complain but can atleast can you spoiler some characters who get future story? I know it's hard to make game.. no matther what, keep it up Don't give up bro

All the x. 5 updates progress the four family girls

Opened "game.exe" file and greeted with "Error: Failed to initialize graphics"
(I downed it from mega and extracted it with the built in one from Windows, not sure if it works better on WinRaR)

nvm I just had to fix my drivers for it to work

Yep that's the fix for that issue, good job getting it working  on your own

Hi breaman, i have a question how long dose it take for a new version to come out.Im not trying to push you or anything i just cant wait, i just love this type of story game,so im just wandering when will it come out or is it a secret.


Hey, glad you're looking forward to the update and sorry I can't give a date. I don't do estimates on release dates as all it does is put extra pressure on me and create opportunities to let folks down if it gets missed.

its okay im just hyped hahahah

hi, who are the characters that supporters will be able to vote for for 0.7? do you already have an idea

v.07 is going to complete Sunny's story, that was voted on last year when I was working on v.06, the next vote will be during v.07 development and will decide the v.08 updates character, and it'll be between the School Staff and Students

Okay, I'm very curious about this character, I have no idea how you plan to develop her but you did so well for Brenda. It seemed strange to me that you added characters like Sunny quite late but that's not a criticism


Hi Breadman and community! I've been following this game for about a year now, and I'm just SO impressed by it! The writing, the art--everything!

However, I've heard some rumors and have not been able to find a direct source to confirm or deny, so thought I'd ask here: at some point, I read that ALL prior saves would be wiped with the v.06.5 update, so everyone would have to start the game from the beginning once this update comes out. Is that true?

I honestly wouldn't mind playing through the whole thing again since it's so good, but I have a "primary" save that I occasionally "grind" in absentmindedly just to accumulate in-game money, which I figure would help in future updates, haha. BUT, if it's all gonna be wiped anyway, I won't waste my time, ha. Thanks so much! And keep up the great work, Breadman! And, community, keep up the support! This game deserves to be finished!!! :D


Where'd you hear that?

No, I don't anticipate saves being incompatible this update and even if they were, we still always include a save in slot50 on everything except Mobile.

Hey Breadman i have been playing this game for a long while now from around update 3 and really appreciate how well made this games story and art is. I had a bit of a small and far off question, Will characters that had their story complete have more scenes or reappear after their story ended? For example will Sabrina have any more scenes or is her work completely finished? Im not talking soon or anything like that just in general will it be something that you will do?


Yeah we plan to allow supporters to vote on "bonus" events sometime in the future that will give completed girls extra content. The tentative plan is that when we do start them, folks will be able to vote on the character, aspects of the event (location, outfit, etc) and the h-scene positions. We're a ways off from them but yeah Sabrina very likely will get a bit more content in the future


Alright tyvm thats really good to know keep up the good work!

hello, how are you ? my question is, you think you gona develope hannah, bex and sam and how ? thank you for your future reponse

characters other than family get their content done all at once in a single update, so when Sam and Bex and Hannah win update votes, they'll get their content completed

 yes you had already said it but I didn't know if Hannah was considered a real character or only as an extra 😂, what's more, I was more than surprised that Sam was not a developer at the beginning even though he was is our neighbor but I like everyone who has already received content. Your game is really great designed and the story is awesome, can't wait to see how the sequel pans out and if the sans hero comes out

Supporters vote on who gets updates, but when the game is complete players will be able to pursue the neighbors earlier if they want

Yes of course, have good days 

Hello im new here and i love the game, but can u finish the story behind the waterfall or is that later.

Ysabella won't be continued until we meet/beat more Sins, but she will have several more scenes as we do. It's just gonna take longer because it's tied to the main story

Also is this game comeing to steam

No, not in the plans right now

When will the new version come? I men v 066

6.5 is still in development, I don't make estimates on release dates

I downloaded the new update but there is no events?!


If you downloaded the v.06a update the new stuff includes Brenda, the English teacher, her full route + some Leslie stuff. You need to go to class to start Brenda and you need to sleep at home on the weekend for Leslie. If you've already played everything else and are still having trouble, if you're on anything except Mobile there's a save in slot 50 that picks up at the new stuff

(2 edits)

I mean I complete all event (for last week)BRANDA,etc except cassie's date he says I have to wait until next update so what next 

bro the way you phrased it made it sound like you had an issue haha - you downloaded the latest update, played it's content, there isn't any more until the new update comes out

Now I can download it 😂😋

(1 edit)

Hello! I just have a quick question about the Leslie route, is the end to the most recent update the "Doctor in the Bedroom" scene? just curious as I have a hankering for some Leslie action.

yes that's the latest Leslie event, she'll have more in this coming update!

Hello, will characters like Sabrina appear in the story of other characters, particularly the other teachers?

not likely, we have to be careful of when and how other focus girls appear in different girls' stories to avoid continuity errors

OK I see, thank you

Please release v.06.5 bro please 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏😭😭😭😭😭

I'm working on it

Ok bro add Leslie scene bro I'm favorite Leslie is so hot

Leslie gets content every update bro

Ah thank you bro

Where is the laundary basket for the progress lessie quest 

In your apartment by the bathroom, where the washer and dryer is. It spawns after continuing Leslie's quest by watching a romantic movie after the first day of school

Hi mate, do you have another download link for PC, not because it not allow more than 1.5 GB

yeah, on my page here go to my subscribestar, there's a public pinned post there that has other DL sources

I thunk I'm stuck? I've had brenda and the savotage laundry quest pretty much the entire game. I've done everything else aside from the Secret Girlfriend quest, and finally caved to look up what to do. Apparently Leslie is supposed to be at the gym but she isn't, I went through Brandy's quest and it mentioned a scene I didn't do, what do I do to fix this? 

what does sabotage the laundry say to do? You should be able to interact with the laundry basket in the house and go from there

it says this

Did you do that 


Of course it was that simple, I had that quest for so long expecting lilith to tell me to go, but I guess I just forgot she told me? I think it would be better to word the quest as if Lilith already told you to go rather than implying she hasn't told you yet. 10/10 game though love it thoroughly.

2 question today, who are your favorite teachers in order and why? Did you have the entire scenario in mind?

outside of the family I try to not have favorites, I'm interested in whatever character I'm working on in  the moment. There are a few stories we have more planned out than others that I'm excited about, like Sofia, the Freeman Sisters, and the Linnet family


Okay I understand


I'm remaking the game from the beginning while waiting for the new update 😂 because I love the game but also I lost all the knowledge 😅


I see you're a connoisseur of busty big lipped babes as well. Enjoyed the play through of v0.6a, looking forward to seeing more. 👌

The question of days in the plural, what will the next update be about? And how many more updates will come out this year?

(1 edit)

The update I'm working on now is about the four family girls. Whenever I'm able to get it out, it'll be the last one to come out this year 

That great!! 

I want to say your game is really cool.I appreciate it that's make this art. So how to do this event? I really didn't understand it.


There is a little path leading to pool which is in front of waterfall (mid-right bottom side of the pool if I remember well). From this pool you can go to waterfall and there is an event there.

弟did it thanks

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