v.07 Progress Log

Progress Log

Good jumps this week across the board!

Got a lot of art done - finished all the new bust art, almost all of the new sprites (I have like 2 left I think), and all the new maps.

Got a chunk of writing done - I believe I have 3 more scripts to edit and one to write.

For code I plugged in the maps I created and did a few other little things, as I said last week this section is super short for Pre-Pro so as I continue other tasks and plug stuff into the game engine it'll get wrapped up.

The Sunny Position poll is ongoing, I'll be posting the full art for it publicly tomorrow since that'll have been a week since the first poll went up, and I'm streaming a Redraw tomorrow that's EU-friendly (10AM PST so 6PM GMT). Have a great week!

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I'm looking forward to the new update and have high expectations for the new content.

same here bro

Only sunny in this update Breadman???

Sunny and Leslie, Leslie gets stuff every update???

Who is sunny btw, just wondering what the update will be about.



Definitely waiting