v.07 Progress Log

Progress Log

I pushed so hard to wrap up Pre-Pro this week and I came up just short haha it's a bit frustrating but hey, that's something I'm supposed to be working on for myself so gonna just get into it this coming week.

I got 1 Leslie script left to write, some pixel animations and maybe an art thing (I'd need to check my list but I think I'm right), then I can wrap Pre-Production and dig into Animation!

The Leslie Repeatables poll will be up for Pactkeeper and up, and the Sunny "Finisher" poll will be up for Pit Fiends, tomorrow after the stream. Wanted to get them up today but need to get one more option in on Sunny's and I won't have time today.

Speaking of streams though, I got one tomorrow at 10AM PST - more NPCS this time, gonna be filling out the people in BAR. So, busy day tomorrow - keep an eye out for all that and stay safe y'all!

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