I downloaded the game through drive and I can't extract the files, it always gives me this massage "unexpected end of archive", what can I do to fix it?
no, on everything except mobile it has always been the case that people could start from the latest content using slot 50. As of the 06.5a build, the latest one, anyone on any platform we deploy to can start from the latest stuff
well I'm not gonna judge anyone on the answer. but i am curious about Babs since if u do make a sex scene with her, she would be the first girl in the game without exaggerated features
yeah her and Sifa have the most not-stylized body types I think, out of the focus girls at least. Bab's is fun though, it'll be a good time to work on her
hell, Sifa still has a large rack. not saying u should update Babs appearance at all since i'm curious how it would look with her as is. though it made me wonder if she was going to have a scene since boobs and butts seem to be the common factor with the girls
Hey breadman is Leslie is biological mother of mc pls tell me personally I don't like stepmother stepson relationship in game pls say they are blood related
Being his mom ,sister, cousin, aunt lol That's what makes the game intriguing.. best game by far, take ur time ... awaiting vol 7 I know it's gonna be worth it
The only confirmed characters for v.07 are Sunny's full story and some Leslie stuff, I don't talk about anything else that may or may not happen in an update.
If discord is giving you issues try the link either from a private or incognito browser, or delete your browsers cookies and try it again
There's an option to start at the latest content on all platforms, so you'll still have to play the latest update again if you want to 100% both versions but you won't have to replay the whole game
Yeah, my Substar that's linked on my page here. You might need to make a free account to access the pinned post because the site is kinda ddumb sometimes, but try this direct link
I'm experiencing a bug right after Brandy's mission, the one where you go out with her after the history class. The camera bugs out and stops following the character in version 0.6.5. How can I fix this issue?
It can also be solved by downloading a legit version and not pirating a free game. That bug was fixed within 12 hours of the Beta being released all the way back in November, the only people who still encounter it are people playing on pirate sites.
the other statues will be revealed as MC learns more names of Lilith's sisters, the only one's currently known to him in game are Lilith herself, Pride (Belial), and Gluttony (Mammon)
breadman please save me ive been stuck on sabrina quest forever finished all the content besides i guess last brenda quest and sabrina i saw some posts about an ability i need to have but throughout all of leslie questline i didnt receive nothing that i noticed
When Leslie was mad at you for a short period you didn't get a power called Serpents Tongue from Lilith? That's what you need. If you haven't gotten there yet keep progressing with Leslie
i got serpents tongue finished all of leslie and ashley 0.6.5 content but still sabrina isnt triggering i tried the debug room but it says that my dolly is bugged not sabrina
Been playing a lot of games but didnt had as much fun as i'm getting by playing this one🔥.....really, the art work, the story, the animations, the gameplay everything is awesome....cant wait for version 7🙌🙌🙌
Can you give a probable date of the release date of version 7 and when it will be available for free to download after release 😅😅.....ik it sounds wrong but outside uas or Europe, It's hard to purchase the game.....
Hola, soy un nuevo participante de la plataforma, aunque sigo el progreso del juego desde hace 2 años y me encanta; a decir verdad, soy bastante noob en el tema de programación, pero me he esforzado para hacer unos ajustes para cambiar los diálogos de los personajes al idioma español (Algo que realmente me ha tomado horas), pero es un pequeño proyecto personal que me ha gustado mucho, tanto por la historia en desarrollo y la trama que lo rodea, así como los personajes, dios, los personajes (fan de la gótica y las milfs :3); mi límite ahora ha sido la encriptación de los diseños base con los formatos png_ para igualmente cambiar los textos al idioma español.
Fuera de ello, solo quería expresar mi gratitud con el proyecto que desarrollas, algo realmente conmovedor y de gran atractivo para la comunidad que te seguimos en el desarrollo del mismo, esperando siempre la próxima actualización para así seguir disfrutando de las divertidas y candentes experiencias por las que cruza el protagonista.
One of the main themes of the game is size, there are a few petite girls, like Sofia and Gabbi, but most have at least one of the two- big butt or big boobs
Yeah i get that, and got to see gabbi last night for the first time and thought i hope we get to fuck her :P, hopefully more petite girls in the future, do you do any similar games? thanks
I can't be able to meet Cassie and game is stuck and not able to go further in Leslie as it's saying to meet Cassie first and learn exercise for making dinner and basket is also not showing for laundry and new athletic suit for leslie.
You need to complete the sabotage the laundry quest before being sent to work out with Cassie, which is before the date. If the basket hasn't spawned you need to watch a romantic movie with Leslie
Hello follow the storyline from beginning with Lilith . Not only she gave him a huge member but she indicated ejaculation level will increase. Will this happen more and more in the upcoming developments and characters? A bukkake scene wit h 2 or 3 will be epic..
Is there a "date" between the MC and Cassie in this last update? I completed the ones between he and Leslie, Ashley, and Brandy, but can't find where to begin the one with Cassie. I really enjoy this game btw. 👍🏼👍🏼
When I finish the first brandy scene to continue with Leslie the camera stops and doesn't move with the Mc making it impossible to complete both Leslie and Brenda
← Return to game
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can't figure out how to watch a romantic movie with mom...
After like 5pm, interact with couch
appreciate you
A family as beautiful as this one, united and naughty, doesn't have a pet? I suggest a big dog! Hahahaha
Fuck no
Amen to that
It’s fun to read the comments every day😅❤️
I downloaded the game through drive and I can't extract the files, it always gives me this massage "unexpected end of archive", what can I do to fix it?
Why my android device have low fps? It's stuck on 8-10 fps. Do you have any solutions
close other apps that are using your phone's memory in the background, other than that I can't control device-specific issues
someone send me a link ha discord I tried everything but I can’t say it’s an error or add me to others and invite me (my tag is ce|0vek44#0618)
5 stars sir
Vote for teacher's and librarian Amara v.08😃!
the bracket challenge is up on Discord, the votes begin officially next Wednesday!
I'm waiting for it bro😃, and I am very excited for v.08.So thankyou for this update!
why doesn't Mac version open
user error?
There should be a ReadMe in the Mac zip with troubleshooting advice, the same and more is also pinned in the Help chat on the discord
breadman do we have to start from the beginning again when downloading the latest and new version
no, on everything except mobile it has always been the case that people could start from the latest content using slot 50. As of the 06.5a build, the latest one, anyone on any platform we deploy to can start from the latest stuff
does anyone else want a scene between the MC and Ashley's DnD friend?
I hope you mean Babs and not Chuckie haha
Babs is a focus girl and will, eventually, get her story told
well I'm not gonna judge anyone on the answer. but i am curious about Babs since if u do make a sex scene with her, she would be the first girl in the game without exaggerated features
yeah her and Sifa have the most not-stylized body types I think, out of the focus girls at least. Bab's is fun though, it'll be a good time to work on her
hell, Sifa still has a large rack. not saying u should update Babs appearance at all since i'm curious how it would look with her as is. though it made me wonder if she was going to have a scene since boobs and butts seem to be the common factor with the girls
she's kinda the exception that proves the rule haha
Are there any such games you can recommend?
I don't have much free time these days, I've fallen way behind on what's out there
Hey Breadman...Does this game having any end........or not......🤔
I love this new update v6.5 💟
there isn't an end in-game yet, no, but there is a planned ending once we're through all the focus girls and main plot. We're early in Act 2 right now
Hey breadman is Leslie is biological mother of mc pls tell me personally I don't like stepmother stepson relationship in game pls say they are blood related
She's his Mom, there's nothing in game that insinuates they're not blood related so I dunno why you'd assume that they weren't
Being his mom ,sister, cousin, aunt lol That's what makes the game intriguing.. best game by far, take ur time ... awaiting vol 7 I know it's gonna be worth it
Hey breadman can you just tell me the steps that how can i start with latest content after downloading dd in my laptop
if you have the latest version it is as easy as starting a new game and choosing that option when presented as soon as the new game starts
see this is the latest ver of dd
No, it's just 06.5a no "public" or anything
see this is the latest ver of dd
I don't, ever, make estimates on release dates if I cannot guarantee that date.
This is why I only announce a date when I finish Production and begin bugtesting
ok thanks pro
I tried it and still the link term doesn’t work, I made it with cokie files and even with incognito it’s still the same🥲
All I can say is to try again later, discord gets weird sometimes the links are active the site is just wonky sometimes
i think ive finish the game :( is gabbi in v7?
also i cant join the discord it says unable to accept invite :/
The only confirmed characters for v.07 are Sunny's full story and some Leslie stuff, I don't talk about anything else that may or may not happen in an update.
If discord is giving you issues try the link either from a private or incognito browser, or delete your browsers cookies and try it again
why can't I log in from substar to your discord? it says the link is not working
Discord gets wonky sometimes, try the link either from a private or incognito browser, or delete your browsers cookies and try it again
Hey breadman i have completed this game in my android phone but i have to play this in my pc
Dies i need to play it again in my pc
What should i do
There's an option to start at the latest content on all platforms, so you'll still have to play the latest update again if you want to 100% both versions but you won't have to replay the whole game
Yeah im ok to start with latest con but ill have all completed scene and how to do it
There's an option when you start a new game
Is there a problem with dolly questline it keeps saying it bugged even after i reset the quest in the debug room?
If you're having trouble with it use the debug room to complete it instead
is there an alternate link for downloading? The mega link keeps freezing at 400mbs.
Yeah, my Substar that's linked on my page here. You might need to make a free account to access the pinned post because the site is kinda ddumb sometimes, but try this direct link
You legend, thanks for the links
This game series is by far the best.. awaiting the next episodes take ur time I'm very patient for perfection..I know u gonna bring it
I'm experiencing a bug right after Brandy's mission, the one where you go out with her after the history class. The camera bugs out and stops following the character in version 0.6.5. How can I fix this issue?
I managed to solve the problem. I made a copy of the save, deleted the game, reinstalled it, and placed the save in the save folder. That solved it.
It can also be solved by downloading a legit version and not pirating a free game. That bug was fixed within 12 hours of the Beta being released all the way back in November, the only people who still encounter it are people playing on pirate sites.
Breadman i have a question . Where i can learn about lilith statue ?
the other statues will be revealed as MC learns more names of Lilith's sisters, the only one's currently known to him in game are Lilith herself, Pride (Belial), and Gluttony (Mammon)
Does this game have !ncest and if yes then can we avoid it?
yes it does and no you cannot, it's a major theme
breadman please save me ive been stuck on sabrina quest forever finished all the content besides i guess last brenda quest and sabrina i saw some posts about an ability i need to have but throughout all of leslie questline i didnt receive nothing that i noticed
When Leslie was mad at you for a short period you didn't get a power called Serpents Tongue from Lilith? That's what you need. If you haven't gotten there yet keep progressing with Leslie
i got serpents tongue finished all of leslie and ashley 0.6.5 content but still sabrina isnt triggering i tried the debug room but it says that my dolly is bugged not sabrina
Are you clicking on her bedroom dor to get to her?
yes but i only like keep pressing against it or my character tries do loop around the room
So when interacting with her bedroom door nothing happens? No message or anything and you can't enter her bedroom
Been playing a lot of games but didnt had as much fun as i'm getting by playing this one🔥.....really, the art work, the story, the animations, the gameplay everything is awesome....cant wait for version 7🙌🙌🙌
Thank you!
Can you give a probable date of the release date of version 7 and when it will be available for free to download after release 😅😅.....ik it sounds wrong but outside uas or Europe, It's hard to purchase the game.....
I don't make estimates on release dates, best I can do until I can guarantee a date are these weekly progress logs
I just finished the game waiting for next update btw I love your games :)
Thank you, glad you liked it!
Hola, soy un nuevo participante de la plataforma, aunque sigo el progreso del juego desde hace 2 años y me encanta; a decir verdad, soy bastante noob en el tema de programación, pero me he esforzado para hacer unos ajustes para cambiar los diálogos de los personajes al idioma español (Algo que realmente me ha tomado horas), pero es un pequeño proyecto personal que me ha gustado mucho, tanto por la historia en desarrollo y la trama que lo rodea, así como los personajes, dios, los personajes (fan de la gótica y las milfs :3); mi límite ahora ha sido la encriptación de los diseños base con los formatos png_ para igualmente cambiar los textos al idioma español.
Fuera de ello, solo quería expresar mi gratitud con el proyecto que desarrollas, algo realmente conmovedor y de gran atractivo para la comunidad que te seguimos en el desarrollo del mismo, esperando siempre la próxima actualización para así seguir disfrutando de las divertidas y candentes experiencias por las que cruza el protagonista.
I wish there were smaller girls in this game with smaller tits and ass, maybe some more sex/cum animations, but I'm liking the game so far, thank you
One of the main themes of the game is size, there are a few petite girls, like Sofia and Gabbi, but most have at least one of the two- big butt or big boobs
Yeah i get that, and got to see gabbi last night for the first time and thought i hope we get to fuck her :P, hopefully more petite girls in the future, do you do any similar games? thanks
This is my first and only project so far
I can't be able to meet Cassie and game is stuck and not able to go further in Leslie as it's saying to meet Cassie first and learn exercise for making dinner and basket is also not showing for laundry and new athletic suit for leslie.
Helpp plzzz
You need to complete the sabotage the laundry quest before being sent to work out with Cassie, which is before the date. If the basket hasn't spawned you need to watch a romantic movie with Leslie
I request the entire game now lmao, thanks for the game and can't wait for future updates, huge fan for sure
bro please take this game off from mega, we'd need to pay for mega to download this game... free quota is 2gb for mega and this game is 4gb
Bro please go to my Substar, there's alternate download links there
Hello follow the storyline from beginning with Lilith . Not only she gave him a huge member but she indicated ejaculation level will increase. Will this happen more and more in the upcoming developments and characters? A bukkake scene wit h 2 or 3 will be epic..
This games is good congrats developer hoping for more future updates this game can match urban demons/summertime saga nice storyline and arts❤️❤️💯
Is there a "date" between the MC and Cassie in this last update? I completed the ones between he and Leslie, Ashley, and Brandy, but can't find where to begin the one with Cassie. I really enjoy this game btw. 👍🏼👍🏼
Should be in your quest log, date is on Thursday at BAR in downtown
when the updated? i just finish 06.5 ;)
I don't make estimates on release dates
When I finish the first brandy scene to continue with Leslie the camera stops and doesn't move with the Mc making it impossible to complete both Leslie and Brenda
Where'd you get the game from, cuz it wasn't from here