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Hey breadman how are you today and how's your shoulder doing I can't wait for Cassie scene and Ashley and the Latina sister scene keep the good work I'm excited and please don't push yourself 😁


Keep up the great work Breadman, but take care of yourself at the same time! This game is easy top 3 all time for me, and i'm excited to see what comes next! Quietly holding out hope for a threesome with Sabrina and her mom at some point haha xD.


eventually will happen, almost certainly. We plan to do "bonus events" somewhere in the near-ish future where completed girls, and side girls like Val, can get some extra animations

Hey can you pls suggest me more mom son incest game i need best one pls


if you don’t mind me asking, how’d you aggravate your shoulder breadman?


overworking it, drawing too much in a day for too many days

im lost how do i meet with ashley if the comic book store is closed?


come back the next day?


Vote for v.08 for all teachers and librarian Amara.


Just don't push yourself my dude this is the best game I ever played and get well soon

(1 edit)

yo is there a specific reason why your not working on completing the story lines of leslie and ashley but rather making new characters and adding story lines for them instead? is leslie gonna be the last character to have her story line finished along with ashley as the ending or something?

(1 edit) (+4)

yo Leslie and Ashley are slow burns. They get a lot of content spread out over a long period of time, I am working on completing their story lines, Leslie gets content every update. I'm also not making new characters, every character that gets an update has been in the game since v.03 at the latest and it's been an established thing that this is how we're approaching the game's development. They won't be the last girls to get their story completed, and even after we get to sex with them they'll have more story progression and content after that.

why does itch have to mess with my formatting like that

that makes sense, pretty much the sex content for either will most likely be implented like maybe 5 months from now?


I can answer that. Breadman has stated that soonest we'll have that sort of content is v0.10.

Breadman also doesn't give ETA until very close to the release date (usually around 2-4 weeks before hand)

As for the timeframe you gave, no. Thanks to the amount of work breadman and his team put into this game, it's likely we won't get to v.10 until much later than that. 

well i'm pretty new to the community and the game so based on your like experience when do you think v.10 will be released? if you were to give a estimate of your own


The team doesn't make estimates on individual updates and there's even less of a chance to predict when a future update would happen. Any guess from someone outside of the team would be just that- a guess. Not telling anyone to not make guesstimates, but please don't take what someone not involved with development says as gospel and then come back later when/if they weren't right haha

So... Idk if anyone has went to the sand box in the park and talked to the girl under the slide (Aka The Babysitter) in a while but ... Are we not going to ask what breadman has in store for that? Bc I REALLY hope he added it on April 1st and it's a joke... Also I'm not complaining about it, I'm just curious about it

(1 edit)

There's a bunch of random dialogue with NPCs around town, I don't even remember what that one says haha

Edit: with Copperkeys comment, it'sa single parent with their kid for the weekend at the park, unsure what the interest in that moment was


I am playing on my phone (Android), and because I tapped my finger on the lower left part of the screen, the game started lagging, and now everything is zoomed in. I can't see cutscenes, and my gameplay is completely broken. I don't know what to do. I want you to pay attention to this in advance. Thank you very much.

at what part of the game did you tapping the bottom left do this, and where exactly on the screen did you tap to make this happen?

I pressed when there was a dialogue with Leslie, and she asked us to buy her red wine. I pressed it with the fingers of my left hand between the black bar on the screen and the image itself. As a result, the screen zoomed in, and I can't do anything with it. I've already tried everything.

can you possibly reload to before that moment?

I didn’t even have a button to go back; it was outside my screen.

I haven't seen anyone else encounter this issue, and neither me or Zakko can reproduce it on our ends. Is it possible this is something your phone did and not the game? Like can you check if your phone has any swipe/pinch shortcuts in it that could do this?

This is a new game

right, so did it get like this when you booted up the game for the first time or was your game normal and then this happened?

The game was completely normal, and I could see everything.


I have already reinstalled the game and am ready to play through it again because I really like it. I just want to report any potential issues.


good luck with it, let us know if it happens again

Please re add the bathroom Lilith scene to gallery <3 

during Ashley's event? 

Tengo problemas con la versión de Android o se congela la pantalla o directamente se cierra la aplicación.


Asegúrate de cerrar cualquier otra aplicación que pueda estar ocupando la memoria de tu teléfono. Si esto no soluciona el problema, es posible que el teléfono sea demasiado antiguo o que no tenga suficiente memoria/procesamiento para ejecutarlo correctamente. En el futuro, traduce tus mensajes.

Error: Failed to initialize graphics.    $1

    $1    at SceneManager.initGraphics ($1rmmz_managers.js:1913$1)    $1

    $1    at SceneManager.initialize ($1rmmz_managers.js:1885$1)    $1

    $1    at SceneManager.initialize ($1VisuMZ_0_CoreEngine.js:9337$1)    $1

    $1    at ($1rmmz_managers.js:1874$1)    $1

    $1    at Main.onEffekseerLoad ($1main.js:150$1)    $1

    $1    at _onRuntimeInitialized ($1effekseer.min.js:35$1)    $1

    $1    at chrome-extension://njgcanhfjdabfmnlmpmdedalocpafnhl/js/libs/effekseer.min.js:35:327    $1

    $1    at Module.onRuntimeInitialized ($1effekseer.min.js:15$1)    $1

    $1    at doRun ($1effekseer.min.js:15$1)    $1

    $1    at run ($1effekseer.min.js:15$1)

fix this

Generally it's easier to ask a question rather than post a wall of an error message.

Seems like you either got a bad download, or your graphics card drivers are out of date, or your graphics card itself is too old

Welp that's good to know on the other hand yeah I won't be able to play it

Answer from our Discord FAQ:

Why do I get a "Failed to Initialize Graphics" error / black screen?
You need to update your graphics drivers directly from the manufacturer's site. Make sure they are up-to-date—and don't rely on Windows Update or similar, as they always lag behind. If it still doesn't work, and you know for a fact that your drivers are up-to-date, then your system does not meet the minimum requirements to run the latest version of the game.

Compatibility Patch
Should your system be old enough that even the latest available driver does not fix the issue, try the compatibility patch and see if that works for you.
WARNING: Only use the compatibility patch if you are certain the game won't run otherwise, because the game will run poorly in comparison to the normal version of the game. The patch can be found [at the download links above], the same place you download the game.

Thank you


Love the art, love the story, good job. I can't wait for more, keep up the good work!

First of all, get well soon, breadman, and I want to ask you, is the progress log an improvement in the game, so can we communicate more with the characters as the progress log is available? 

the progress log shows my progress in the current update, the game isn't updated weekly with each log. When I complete all the bars on the log, a new update will be released shortly after


if you ever create a new game would you ever consider doing a version where auntie Cassie is the main mom.

I think it would be an interesting perspective to see Leslie show a different side of her if the main character was different. Either way Demon Deals is without a doubt the Greatest Adult Game in History. The animation and plot is top tier and I love how Leslie is not easy to S3duce, it just makes the game that much more exciting but she opens up little by little.🫡


there will be a different game in the far future when we're done with this project, it'll be different but similar. I like to draw these types of girls and tell these types of stories haha

Deleted 19 days ago

¿Formaba parte de otra pregunta que no se respondió? No sé qué pregunta. También por favor traducir sus mensajes.

my maps currently don't move as I move - they're stuck in place. Mean's I can't properly see some things and can't navigate easily. Clear stuck images doesn't do anything - any fixes?

(4 edits) (+2)

That bug was present in a (paid) supporter-only build for less than 24 hours, and was never available to the public through places like itch. Please be sure to download the game through official links, as 99.9% of the time the public build's the latest one.
The supporter-only BETA is only relevant for 5 short days.

Our pinned Discord help message:
"My camera broke/game zoomed in and now it doesn't follow my character"

You've downloaded a pirated version that is outdated and broken. Get the latest official version.
Once you've transferred your save(s), either load a save before the camera broke or use the phone's debug menu to reset the camera.

Ah I was sure I downloaded here. Will try download again - how do I transfer the save?

(9 edits) (+1)

You have 3 options.

1. Drag the save folder from the old version into the new one (and overwrite if needed).

2. You can move individual save files instead, e.g. "file1", but you also need to move the "global" file as that holds the information about which save slots have data. The "config" file has your settings.

3. Make a new save in the new version in slot 1. Then transfer the old save you want such as "file5" to the new save folder and re-name it to "file1" after deleting the other "file1" you just made by saving in slot 1. This would give you the cleanest slate in terms of cleaning up old saves you may not be using.


Will this game eventually be available from Itch or would it stay on the external site when it's done?

(2 edits)

It not being available directly on is not a choice of ours. They have limits to both how large games are allowed to be, and the number of files you're allowed to have. With an ever-expanding game that will have tens of thousands of hand-drawn images, it's not possible with their current rules. If I could, I would've already made it work with the launcher and everything.

When is the estimated release of v0. 7


Breadman (and their team) doesn't give ETAs until they're very close to the release. 


Copperkey is correct, until I finish Production I do not make any guesses as to when an update will release

ok thanks for letting me know

Is there a Valentine's Day update if so how do you get it


I don't do holiday themed updates, to me they're a waste of time that is better spent on the actual story


That’s great thinking process. The main story is what matters rather than short holiday projects. 
You the G.O.A.T😩🫡

For version 0.7 who gets the update turn who? 

(1 edit) (+1)

Its Sunny, shes a therapist, you only briefly meet her, and besides a flash of the future, there isn't any content with her... Yet.


i know u are planning new game but can u tell us maybe if this also are gonna be mom/son ect. ?

The next game won't be in development until this game is complete, which is so far off that there isn't really much good that can come from talking about it haha

Trust that in that far future I know what stories I like to tell and what kind of girls I like to draw

(1 edit)

Hello!!!, I have a question, on the science and math teacher route, the only events are when the MC goes to school for the first time, right?

(1 edit) (+1)

Yes on both accounts, eventually more content will be added for both of them but as of right now, that's the extent of their content. 

Thanks!!!!, one more question, which of all the characters has the most complete route?

Brenda and Sabrina have full story routes that are longer than others, there's also several commission girls with shorter routes like Angelina, Candy, Dolly, Asha and Calliope. The next update will complete Sunny's story.

J'adore le graphisme et les animations du jeu. Bravo, j'attends la suite avec impatience. Est-ce que la diffusion sur Steam est prévue ?

I love the graphics and animations of the game. Bravo, I'm looking forward to the sequel. Is it planned to release on Steam?

While I do plan on making another game in the future, it won't be until after I complete this game's development and it won't be a direct sequel. I also don't currently have any plans to release the game on Steam.


Take ur time we waiting and know it's gonna be some of ur best work..

I really like your game. I would like to know if you would consider doing a translation for the game?

(1 edit)

it's something we plan to do at some point when our budget and available time permits

I can do the translation into Portuguese for free. In fact, I already tried to do it through reverse engineering, but I was not successful. I really would like to translate this game


Is there any way to export my save and import it in another device?


You can transfer any desktop saves as you'd like. E.g, Windows to macOS, or macOS to Linux etc.

You cannot transfer (export/import) mobile saves to or from PC, macOS, or Linux.

The only way to export and move saves from PC to mobile is to use JoiPlay and run the game that way. But YMMV using JoiPlay.


We don't provide support for Joiplay since we have a dedicated mobile version, and because we don't want to / can't troubleshoot for everyone who doesn't have experience with using that. We include the option to begin at new content on all platforms and as long as a player doesn't delete the app from their phone, when a new version is installed it will retain their saves


i thought this game was just gonna be another Shitty 2d game with casual scenes and a horrible story, Boy was i wrong, The story got me hooked instantly absolutely love it keep it up.

Glad we surprised you haha thanks for playing!

There's still no sex content with leslie?


Progress log?

(1 edit) (+2)

Hey breadman, did you forget to do a status update?

Yess broo....... This time you are late 😭 broo...


I was off my computer yesterday so posted it early on my Substar aand the discord but yeah I did forget to post here, will do shortly


Im in love with this game

Any idea when you might decide to do content with the lesbian next door neighbors?

(2 edits) (+3)

When they win the subscriber vote for the character(s) to get the next focus update.

Voting is going on right now over on Subscribestar.

How many progress logs are left

No way to know, if I knew it'd be pretty easy for me to give estimates - which is why I don't give release date estimates, because I don't know how many logs are left


hello bread, your game is amazing and I look forward to it non-stop, reading the weekly updates. This idea of a family relationship is brilliant and I hope you will stick to it even after you finish this game, and not get involved in any step-type things. I also have a few questions for you: 1. Will there be an option in further updates to maintain only one relationship, e.g. Leslie, or at least not to participate in threesomes? 2. Will Paul's father be more humiliated in future updates?  3.Will leslie talk dirty more? I always try to support you financially but I can't always but I love you anyway bread, thanks for your answers in advance

1. I dunno if there'll be an option to avoid threesome content, I hadn't really thought of that as controversial enough to warrant but we do consider safety veils for certain stuff so it's possible. That's likely something Zakko and I will go over when it gets to that time.

2. Paul's story will continue and continue with the same themes

3. Leslie has progressed to dressing more provocativelyand talking more intimately with MC, that'll continue as well.

Glad you enjoy the game!

The game art and story is very good i cant lie im very hooked on the story, straight up made a banger. But is there any chance that in the future you would do a version where like they aren't blood related kinda like summer time saga. I know this is a big ask and is kinda the point but just something where you know you have a mode where the story is like your a step son or some minor change to just help. Your art is amazing but i just finished Leslie part and it was just a lot for me personally. Of course know your game is early in dev but im just wondering if you ever considered something like that. Love the content good luck on rest of game.

Summertime Saga, I believe, had to do that because of the platform they use. At this time the platform we use doesn't have those same restrictions

Is part .07 out yet?

Are you keeping up with the weekly progress logs I post on here? 

No, .07 isn't out yet

But I cant wait until MC and the neighbors will have some fun or one of the neighbors walks in on MC and mom or MC and mom have fun and cousin/aunt or sis walks in on them 🙈🙈

When Im trying to download the latest version on Android mega wont let me read it in English  🤣🤣🤣😢🙈

If Mega is giving you issues use a different dl source from my Substar

I hope there is threesome/lesbian content between lilith and Leslie/Ashley/Sabrina in future updates... :)


Based wincest enjoyer dev, just wanted to say Ash is best girl / sister-wife next to Mom. Also playing through it I could see the steady refinement in art style/quality. Either I'm missing it, but I wish there were a database for all the animations with the girls that you could easily view after unlocking.


the star in MCs closet gets you to the replay room


Ahh, I see, thank you sir

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