v.05.5 Progreess Log

-From Substar -

Progress Log Like I said, expect a big jump this week! Very happy with the progress I made getting through last event's art and completing this current event's coding section...


I've got 2 characters left, Ashley and Leslie. I'm in the home-stretch, but there's a ton of art needed for this current one and I have to take the time these girls deserve to do it correctly, so be patient if the week after next's log doesn't show a lot of progress (I'll have a jump in animations this coming week, but it will be slow-going to get through the art).

Mae stream tomorrow at 5PM PST on Picarto!

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Great game, appreciate the time and effort you put into it. will we see more of the scottish nun ?, love her dialogue . thanks.


eventually, yes! Characters get voted for by subscribers (like how last update was Sabrina and v.06, the one after this update, is gonna be Brenda) so Grace will get her story completed whenever she is voted in


ok thanks for the reply.

how do i update the game?


The art and smooth animation is the highlight of the sex scenes. Don't rush it