Progress Log

Progress Log

Chugging along! I fixed or addressed over 160 reported issues this past week and the team is now in it's third round of testing. Things are starting to play fairly smooth, which is great considering what I gave them just last Friday! I'm spending today and part of tomorrow adding in the Replay Room stuff and then I'll be addressing any last fixes for the rest of the time before the release.

One more week!

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Is there going to be any character arcs added too the new update. 


This update focuses on progressing the family's stories

how long do you think untill Leslie’s story arch is complete deff a tease

her story will take quite some time as she's connected to the main plot. If you mean at what point will her and MC have sex, I've said before that I plan for that to be around v.10


got ya thank you for the response amazing work 


I cant fucking wait, the last update was incredible.


Can't wait


Love the time and effort you put into this game


Can't w8