v.06 Progress Log

Progress Log -

Pre-production is done! Kinda weird week, I was out of town for 2 days for a post-4th family thing and then redoing Ashley's bust with all her outfit changes added a lot more busts that I needed to complete but they all turned out really nicely. Since I won't be having teasers for awhile I think I'll share one of them on Wednesday.

I'm already into coding the first event, and like I said last week I'm going to be doing all the coding in one go, so expect a sizable jump in the 'Code' section next log. Art and Animation won't go this fast haha

I got a Brenda-themed doodle stream tomorrow at 5PM PST, check it out and if got a suggestion you'd like to see, lemme know in the reference images chat on Discord!

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(1 edit) (+1)

I got stuck on when you help the teacher do some chores at her apartment im on mobile can anyone help me out it won't let me water the plants - never mind I just tried it out with the controls and not just clicking things it worked I don't need help anymore 


it seems that it's going smoothly with both the art and the code part of the game, so i dont need to worry about anything else except your health, hope you wont push yourself too hard and goodluck with your work

Will the update contain all the additions that are not added to the v.05

such as?

Such as scenes for women that did not appear in v.05 like the Teachers

(1 edit) (+1)

The way the game is being developed is each update that contains just a number (v.05, v.06,etc) completes one girls entire story. Sabrina was v.05, Brenda is v.06, and we'll be voting on my subscribestar soon for who will be v.07.

Every half-update (v.05.5, v.06.5, etc) focuses on the four family girls and moves their story along.

There won't be an update where a bunch of non-family girls all get content at the same time because that's not how we're developing the game


Happy to hear everything is going well but to push yourself to hard. It won't be a big deal if you don't finish the coding in one go, that just means you'll need more time. A good update is better then a final pre-abandonment update