v.06 Progress Log

Progress Log

Hell. Week.

Barely any movement on the graph, I got 32 images done but this "3rd biggest" event with its weird camera angles is requiring a little more art than I anticipated, and with the awful week, work-wise, I'm not getting where I want. I have to look at the bright side and with no family responsibilities this week, hopefully no tech issues or other emergencies, I should be able to finish this event up by next log.

Freaky Friday doodles tomorrow, new Victory and (the final!) Versus doodle on Wednesday, and teaser on Thursday, have a great finale for November everyone!

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Hey man thats ok take your time

have you ever thought of hiring other artists to help you tho?

If so i'd be very interested, bit of a shot in the dark here but lmk :)

I appreciate the offer but I'm not looking for any help with art, it's my main source of enjoyment on the project (also even if I wanted to I'm broke haha). Thankfully when my developer is finished reworking my old code and is able to assume the current coding workload from me production should speed up a bit as I'll be able to focus on art full-time


Fair enough :)) good luck with the project man i've been enjoying it alot, excited to see what you guys do with the game

thank you!


this is going to be an amazing Christmas gift


We're happy with whatever progress you make because we all know it is not an easy thing to do at all. We're proud of how far you've come and how far you're going to go. Keep at it and we'll all be here supporting you <3


we salute you, man of bread! have a good week


it honestly shocks me to see so many people being super supportive of an indie developer making a porn game. its kinda odd in a way but still super cool just take your time breadman youre  the one who sets the due dates if you have to extend them then do so. i just hope not many people will be angry because of it.


Take a good care of yourself 🫶


keep up the good work!