v.06.5 Progress Log

Progress Log -

So, when I said last week "maybe another week, a little more or less depending how these last few go" it turns out it's a little more. I got greedy and added a second angle to an animation, so I still got 1 left. I will absolutely be finishing that this week and getting into the first bit of code (prefacing that by saying I dunno if it'll be enough to be reflected in the next log, but it will be being worked on).

Superhero Doodle stream tomorrow at 5PM PST on Discord, other than that have a great week!

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I might be wrong but I think the longest one is gonna be art, second longest is animation and third is the code? I'm just a bit curious on how this kinda stuff works, cant wait for the next one!

Oh yeah and make sure to take breaks, love the content!

that sounds about right, art and animation are almost the same I think but code is def the shortest


Oh my god i cant wait, this update is the one I've been looking forward to the most!
Thanks again in advance Breadman
You Legend :D


Well i hope you not over doing it on yourself because we all care about your well being as well

Thanks awesome I appreciate it