v.06.5 Progress Log

Progress Log-

Another little chunk of progress, got through the art for the last event and code for another, will be starting rough art for this next event tomorrow. I am taking it a little slow these last few days as I had another treatment for my shoulder on Friday and I'm trying to manage it properly, but looking forward to getting into this next batch of images.

Expression stream tomorrow, the first one was fun just doing some more pushed and cartoony expressions I might not get to draw normally. Other than that, have an awesome week and I'll see ya at the next one!

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Just wanted to say you're awesome for constantly updating this project and keeping your fans posted. You're making an amazing game that I can't wait to see fully realized. Keep up the great work!

I want another version please am done with this version

As I said in the other thread you commented on, v.06a is the latest update. The next one is still in development


Okay can't wait for that please inform me when it's over ...... I really like the game story πŸ«‚πŸ«‚πŸ«‚

Is the New version out now 😁😁😁😁

I have a feeling this one gonna be out earlier compared to the previous one, what all think lads?


yeah i think itll be out sooner, pretty sure Breadman had some problems with his shoulder which slowed down the last update

Thanks, i hope he’s doing good now, u have a good one too mate.

Will this new update have more Casie? say yes please haha

Yep, all 4 family girls


woooo u’re the boss man !!!!


Ayy, pretty big jump in progress again, love to see it. Ngl, the characters I wanna see content for more are prolly ashley, leslie (obviously) and he history teacher since she hot asf, keep up the great work man, cant wait for the family update!

nice, we got 2/3 coming in this update!

can't wait to (hopefully) see more of Ashley (which I think is the dnd girl in the game I forgot her name srry)

(also, RIB George Cooper Sr. may he rest in brisket)

That is Ashley, yeah, and she will get progress with the other family girls this update

Also dude why you gotta scare me like that I thought the actor had died haha

Breadman can we expect scenes from the librarian