v.06.5 Progress Log

Progress Log -

Smaller jump this week due to the holiday and having to be away from work for multiple days. Still made jumps in both code and art though so it's a win for me all things considered. Plugging along this coming week with more art, I'm hoping to get some bigger chunks done but the way I'm working through these last few scripts it's kinda up and down, some need a ton of art, some very little, so it's hard to predict if I'll have a week with a big jump or a normal one like this. We'll see.

Stream tomorrow on Discord, Date Night Doodles, should be fun, and Teaser on Wednesday, maybe a sketch on Thursday, we'll have to see. Have a great week, stay cool out there!

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Looking forward to the update. Take your time and don't worry about others being impatient. Development takes time and effort. In the end, don't burn yourself out. Can't tell you how many people Ive seen work on such great games like this and just give up. Keep up the great work :D

are you making the game alone?


I'm working on active development alone, I have a writing partner who writes the non-family scripts and a developer who is working on fixing my old stuff and helps with QA and other stuff, but I'm the only one working on the current update

What app you use to make characters?

I draw in Clip Studio, sprites are done in Aseprite


πŸ™„πŸ™„πŸ™„πŸ™„πŸ₯ΊπŸ₯ΊπŸ₯ΊπŸ˜žπŸ˜ž I was hoping that this week it will be done , and I was ready to play............ Can you give us any update about it.

Or give us other sex games we should play when we are waiting for the demon deals to finished


πŸ™„ why would you think it would be done this week? I update everyone every week on where I'm at and what I have left, what would make you think from where I was last week that I'd be done this week? I post teaser art on my substar and discord every week as well, maybe check those out.


Hey are there any pregnancy scenes in the game or update?


No, pregnancy (outside of specific girls where it's part of their main arc, like Sofia) will be late-game stuff. This is to avoid a million pathing issues with dealing if a given girl is pregnant or not during other story moments


from the Dominican Republic, go slow or fast but keep going, I finished it in one day Joya, you have a new pattern


Can't wait for Ashley quest


Is there a storyline with the sister?


Ashley will be getting more story progression in this update, all the family gets story progress in the x.5 updates


week after week passes in vain, progress is inexorably moving..


At least it is moving though, I wish I could work faster too


We'll have the full version in 5 years bro! Maybe.