v.06.5 Progress Log

Progress Log -

Good jump this week, mostly coding as the events were kinda interconnected so I just did them straight through then got into art in the back end of the week. This next week will be flipped, I'll be trying to catch up on art and if I got time get into coding the events again.

Doing some job art on stream tomorrow in the AM, a EU-friendly stream doing some key art for when MC does his work around town - single image stuff similar to the classes passing of time art. Other than that, Teaser on Wednesday (a spicy one this week!) and I'm gonna try to clean up a warm-up sketch to post as well. Have a good one!

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realized that on the phone app cant see brandys stats like measurements or height because it just asks if you want to meet at lunch, might be missing something but pretty sure this could be a bug, love the jump btw


excited for the upcoming update


Nice to see it