v.06.5 Progress Log

Progress Log

A lot of drawing this week, I got one event's art done and am about 10 images short of finishing the other so that'll be done Tuesday at the latest. Then it's back to coding, I need to read through the script but I don't think this next event is art-heavy so we'll see how it pans out.

Stream tomorrow, EU-friendly doodling family girls, then Spicy Teaser on Wednesday - have a good week everyone!

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(2 edits)

Could we expect any  content for sunny & dr miller  for the next update 

no, Sunny will be having her story completed in the update after this one, v.07. Maria and Juggs will be getting content in one of the non-focus updates in the near future


Someone tell fallen angel11 to chill tf out

Breadman if this a family update will we have a lot process with the aunt can’t remember her name cause damn she was ranked for me right below Brenda 

Cassie is getting content but how much isn't something I can get in to, just know that all 4 girls are getting some form of story progression

I just did the math, if it continues the same rate for the time being +2 weeks testing and bug fixes, the update would come out in about November 10-17

that's fine, keep in mind that's your estimate and in no way is a reliable or official release window

The dark red is where you reached???


Hey Breadman.. Is there a date for the next update?

there is not, I don't do estimates on release dates until I know I can actually make that date.

Based on my calculations, if he average what he did this week until he done +bug fixes 2 weeks we get it in November

Please don't offer estimates to others, it can be taken as an official thing and then people get mad when the made-up date gets missed

Hey Breadman.....Any update about mom's storyline ?

Love your game by the way


Leslie gets content every update, so she'll get more progression coming in this next update

When will we have sex with sister grace or will we do her and in what way 😁

non-family girls get their stories completed all at once in a single update, like we did with Sabrina and Brenda, and will be doing with Sunny after this next update. These updates are voted on by supporters, if I remember Grace has not done that well in the votes so it might be awhile

Who is sunny??

the Therapist??


GG breadman! I already know that this content will be an high-quality one! good work, we hope to see the game soon!


wooooow breadman getting closer man!! you are the best! Have a happy week. always attentive to your progress, they love you a lot