v.07 Progress Log

Progress Log

Not a great week, personally or professionally. Been trying to make as much headway as I can while dealing with IRL stuff (tax season, family, etc) and pushed myself too hard - aggravated my shoulder, again, last week which greatly hindered my ability to draw anything, so only got a single animation done this week on top of cancelling the Valentine's stream.

I am prioritizing long-term wellness over short-term gains, but am also committed to continuing progress any way I can, so I'll be writing ahead a bit this week for characters we haven't seen much of yet but will be soon, like Maria, as well as dipping into coding the first events in for this update. Anything that isn't drawing right now should be okay but I'll keep everyone posted if that changes.

Good news is I finally have health insurance again and had my first doctors visit last week and am on the road for that process - got x-rays done (inconclusive but makes sense as I believe it's soft-tissue damage I'm dealing with) and have medically prescribed physical therapy coming up soon.

No stream this week, but I will be back with some doodles for the Victory/Versus on Wednesday (this will either be done very simply by me or by the lovely Mrs. Bread again). Have a good week everyone.

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Can't work when youre out of commission,  or worse! Take care, and focus on recovery. 95/5 split, recovery's favor ;)


We are till wait for this progress,So don't worry take your time and Take care yourself🙂👍!


Bro Get well soon bro 🙂👍


Wait is worth......Thanks for updates


love your work homie...we'll be patient...take care of yourself


Dont forget rest bro and don't worry we will faithfully wait the progress. ;)


No worries bro, take care of yourself first.


Take care of yourself, and thanks as always for your work!


Its better to take care of your health over anything else


Thanks for the update! Take care of yourself, Breadman, and let yourself rest and recover. We can wait :) Cheers!