v.07 Progress Log

Progress Log

Another mixed progress week while I dip into code to give my shoulder a break, I'm feeling better these last couple days so gonna try a full week of animation and see if I can take a good chunk out of the remaining animation bar.

Stream tomorrow, Sunny's pinup though it might get cut short or get split into 2 streams as I'm limiting the amount I draw in a given sitting, plus the next round of votes on Wednesday - see ya then everyone!

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You're truly making an all time great here Breadman. Keep up the good work, but don't overwork yourself. These progress logs go a long way that a lot of creators just don't bother with, you're one of the greats just for that alone. 



Hey Breadman--speaking from professional experience, do NOT push yourself, amigo, okay? Ligament injuries take longer to heal than you usually think. We can wait. Ease back into work and day-to-day functioning. We know that animation and drawing isn't the only thing your shoulder is used for--presumably, you also do things like, y'know, get groceries and vacuum, which also strain your shoulder. Keep yourself healthy long-term! Being cautious now is better than re-injuring yourself and further delaying work and life in a week or two! Cheers! :)

Thank you, I know I gotta be smarter than I've been about this


Congrats dude. Great job.