v.07 Progress Log

Progress Log

Similar jump to the last few weeks, consistency is good! I feel like most of the complicated anims have been wrapped at this point so these last few will hopefully be easier on me and I can get into coding and art soon. My PT has been going well and my shoulder/neck was feeling better this past week, working to maintain and improve the recovery process for it.

Stream tomorrow, Sofia's intro Redraw part deux, and new poll on Wednesday! Be safe everyone, appreciate y'all

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gambate on your PT. good luck on the game and next update. Hope it'll be about the mum and other family members of the MC

V.07 will have some progression with Leslie, every update does, but will mostly focus on Sunny, the therapist


Congrats breadman on the progress but don't overexert yourself brother , keep your fitness/health in mind aswell , we will paint patiently since we know good things take time!

thank you!